Pleasure Island Insurance: Holly Angermeier

Service and Reliability

Being able to offer your clients, not only technological advantages and conveniences, but also reliability and personalized service from an experienced insurance agent, who is never more than an email or phone call away, can make all the difference in the quality of their home purchasing experience. Holly Angermeier is proud to be able to offer these advantages. "I am here to serve my clients from the time we start together and continue along the way as their insurance needs change with purchases of homes, autos, and recreational items. I enjoy helping to put new clients at ease and being the person that will take that time to go over things with them.”
Being dedicated to the client, as needs arise, is very important to Holly. She grew up in a large family in Pennsylvania where her mother taught her the importance of dedication to others through her devotion to raising children and her father taught her the value of hard work within his job as a miner. “We worked hard for everything we had. From the time I was a teenager, I have always had jobs working with the public to service their needs and help them.”
Holly began her career as an insurance agent in 1988 after high school. After graduation from high school, Holly moved to Houston, Texas for a job with a commercial real estate company. She assisted the brokers for several years before returning to Pennsylvania, where she trained with MetLIfe and helped to build a small agency. Later, she and her husband were drawn to the warmer climate of the South and to be closer to family, so they made their way to the Wilmington area.
She has been with Pleasure Island Insurance since 2014. “I am a sales agent that works with realtors, lenders, and clients from referrals. I am able to shop many companies for insurance to get clients the best rate to help keep their mortgage payment lower.”
From selling girl scout cookies as a little girl to working part time with direct sales companies while raising her children at home, to her current career at Pleasure Island Insurance, Holly has always found making personal connections through sales to be rewarding. It truly is the relationship that she makes with the clients and the ability to be their resource throughout many of life’s changes that puts a smile on her face and contentment in her voice. "The best compliment I get from my clients is when they express how much it means to them when they receive a call back quickly, a timely response to their questions, or even an in-person visit from me. I also help teach individuals, who are newer to the process, about the different aspects of insurance, for instance, what they need to do in regards to a closing."
Being a good listener and providing seamless quality of service are two traits that come naturally to Holly. Knowing that her clients feel valued and cared about is very important to her. She always goes the extra mile, whether it's walking them through the process, answering questions, meeting face to face, or even helping them to navigate through forms and technological aspects. These qualities help to ensure that her clients won't feel as though they've gotten passed around or unsupported, which can happen from time to time in the industry.
Holly works closely with real estate agents to make sure that their clients’ insurance needs are well met. "For most people, when they are purchasing a home, I let them know the range of services that we provide in addition to homeowners insurance. There are so many people that have moved here from other states, so when they are making that move, they often need more than just homeowners insurance, they also need auto insurance or possibly recreational vehicle coverage (such as boats, or motorcycles). We go over all their needs and I am able to help them find policies that work for them.” She is also a resource to agents that have questions or seek a deeper understanding of the insurance process with regards to the buying and selling aspects of housing.
With the changing market, professionals are having to apply a lot more creative solutions and dig a little deeper throughout both the real estate and insurance fields. Pleasure Island Insurance keeps on top of the changes that come in the insurance industry and helps their clients to adjust as needed. They are continuously looking for the best connections with companies that they can find, which requires a lot of evaluation and analysis. "Clients are putting money toward a big part of their investments in their home and we want to make sure that they receive quality service.”
When Holly does find some free time, she enjoys getting outside on sunny days walking or exploring the beach. She and her husband, Mike, also enjoy spending time with their two adult children. “They have always supported me working long hours and not always being able to be with them.” They especially enjoy traveling locally when Mike’s band, The Fossil Rockers, has a gig. Mike is the lead singer and Holly is his biggest fan. The band plays often in Myrtle Beach and other areas along the coast.
Dedication to a higher mission is also a passion of Holly’s. Both she and Mike sing in their church choir at Pine Valley Baptist Church. Holly leads the Connect Team which serves to greet, welcome, and guide visitors to the church. They also help support Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes through Samaritan Purse.
“My lenders, realtors, and clients have encouraged me along the way with positive and uplifting comments. It’s a big compliment when they feel comfortable enough to refer me to their friends, neighbors, family, and clients. I pride myself on service to them and being available.” Focusing on service and peace of mind is what makes Holly the agent that her clients return to time and time again.