Meilyn Torres

How many years have you been a realtor? 4 years
What is your career volume as a realtor? 60M
What was your total volume last year? 24M
What awards have you achieved as a realtor? NAR Circle Of Excellence Platinum Award 2022

Short essay:
When did you start your career in real estate? What did you do before you became a realtor?
I started Real Estate in 2019 part- time while still working as a chemist in COTY doing formulations for hair care products. 

What are you passionate about right now in your business? 
I am passionate about helping my clients create wealth through Real Estate while creating my own wealth as an investor and growing my Meilyn Torres Real Estate Group. 

What has been the most rewarding part of your business?
Getting my clients to the closing table and build a forever lasting relationship with them

What was your biggest challenge as a realtor?
Balance of work life and personal life.

How does real estate fit into your dreams and goals?
Real Estate has everything to do with my goals. I am now an investor with multiple properties in NJ. I  stay on top of all  new and upcoming ideas and deals so that I can help my team and clients make the right investments with their Real Estate Portfolio 

What’s your favorite part of being a realtor?
Being a realtor has provided  me leverage in becoming a successful investor and now I am able to help other families become investors too.

Define success.
Success for me is health, building a life where you have the freedom to enjoy it with your loved ones while being involved in the community and giving back to families' needs.

Tell us about your family.
I was born and raised in Cuba. We come from very humble beginnings, which helps me appreciate the small things, while continuing to pursue all of my dreams. 

Favorite books? 10X Rule by Grant Cardone

Are there any charities or organizations you support? I am on the executive board for North NJ NAHREP serving as Director of Membership.  I am also a board director for The  Latino Chamber of Commerce serving as Parliamentarian. 

What are your hobbies and interests outside of the business? My favorite thing to do outside of the business is to travel. I love to see new places and to get to know different  cultures.

Given your status and expertise, what is some advice you would give the up and coming top producer?
In closing, is there anything else you would like to communicate using this Central Jersey Producer platform?
Since I first started in 2019,  I knew that I could do anything I put my mind to. It’s just a matter of how bad I want it. So my advice to anyone wanting to achieve a certain goal is to write it down, write it everyday, read it everyday, visualize it, create a plan to achieve it and work non stop until you reach that goal. It will get hard but if you don’t quit I guarantee,that you will reach each and every single goal. The sooner agents understand that collaboration is monetization and relationships are high value currency, the sooner their success will multiply.