Question of the Month

What Is Your Greatest Accomplishment?

I don't know about you, but that question makes me sit back and think. Are we talking about professional accomplishments? Life accomplishments? Spiritual accomplishments? And how do we measure those milestone markers?

For the professionals who took the time to ponder this query, this month, it's evident that they took the time to really dig deep into their souls and consider what success is and what it means to them. Read on to see what your colleagues had to say about their personal, greatest accomplishments and see if their answers resonated with you, too.

We invite you to join in the fun and answer our Question of the Month found in the private Real Producers Facebook group page!

Heidi Daniels, Century 21 - "I gave this some thought. I think my proudest accomplishment is my wedding day. My marriage is not easy and it takes effort at some part of every day, but it is so good."

Vanessa Haven, eXp - "My greatest accomplishment has been raising the best human every, my son, Jake!" 

Kristen Kitaji, Ikonik Realty - "I am most proud of the life my husband and I have built! And that includes our kids, James and Mila, our home that we designed and remodeled together, and the fun adventures we do as a family!"

Holley Ross, Real Estate Sign Service - "My proudest accomplishments would have to be raising my 2 honor roll student-athletes as a single parent. And, playing a part in running a successful business with my best friend/fiancé, Justin Griep, while surviving the Covid pandemic."