Branching Out

There’s no telling what lies around the next corner … what opportunities and doors are waiting to be opened. The key is looking for them and having the desire to explore the possibilities. Lisa Zimmerman is a prime example of what can be achieved with that spirit of exploration. As a REALTOR® with Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate The Good Life Group, Lisa’s career represents the power of branching out through time.
Pursuing the Promise
When we first featured Lisa five years ago, she embodied the promise that she actively fulfills each day for her clients. At that time, in 2018, she had been in the business for about three years and was very much on her way.
“When I first started in real estate, I worked primarily on the residential side. Since being featured in Real Producers the first time, I’ve added more commercial sales and leasing to what I do,” Lisa says. “This really started growing for me in late 2018 when I began collaborating with Brian Littler, a commercial agent in our office who passed away last fall. I have continued to grow the commercial side of my business over the past few years, yet still enjoy the variety that residential sales offers.”
Lisa works with local and out-of-state investors, as well as a local developer. All of that keeps her very busy. Plus, she also has a couple of commercial properties that are for sale and lease that she is handling.
Getting Her Start
One of the elements of Lisa’s work that has remained constant is the environment she works within. When she earned her license and entered the business, she was part of Tim Reeder’s group that joined forces with Tom Simmons for the launch of Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate The Good Life Group. Prior to that, Lisa had enjoyed a successful, rewarding 17-year career as a nurse, but it was her interest in real estate investing that led to her becoming licensed in real estate.
“I had owned houses that weren’t complete flips, but needed some level of rehab. There were a few years where I was moving in a new direction,” Lisa points out. “So I decided to enroll in the “Real Estate Principles & Practices” course and had my aha moment. I was hooked, and knew it was for me.”
Times of Change
As Lisa reflects over the past five years of her career since her first feature in Real Producers, she realizes that very little has remained static for her.
“At that time, when I first appeared in the magazine, I was excited, honored and very eager. Everything was new, and I explored a lot of different avenues to find my niche. I worked very hard to grow my business — long hours, evenings and weekends. Since that time, I’ve learned to manage the flow as my business has grown. I have full- and part-time assistants and hire other help as needed to be able to do what I do. You have to be able to recognize when to add ancillary members to your team to create successful outcomes for your clients. I have also had a huge mindset shift,” she says.
“In my early days in the business, I tended to worry more about where my next client was coming from, even though they always came. Now, this is not part of my thought process. I set intentions, not goals, and clients and business find a natural flow to me. There is plenty of business for everyone. I focus on an abundance mindset and I’m blessed to work around many others with similar attitudes. The culture within our organization is second to none, and that starts at the top with leaders like Tom and Tim. This is truly such a dynamic business that inspires me to be a better person and agent on a daily basis. Now, I consider myself a visionary and think, ‘How can I do this?’ Life and work are truly a blend for me. I know when I need to take time for myself.”
Rewarding Life
Away from work, Lisa treasures time with her 15-year-old son, Conrad. In their free time, they love to travel, especially if snow skiing is involved, and spend time with family, especially at her mother’s lake house. She has also added yoga to her list of self-care practices and loves it. Her latest endeavor is raising chickens in her backyard!
As Lisa looks to the future, she is excited about continuing the commercial path that her business is taking, including being deeply involved with investment and redevelopment work.
“We’re working with the old historic Murphy Calendar Company building in Red Oak, Iowa,” she says. “It is a 110,000-square-foot building. We’re redeveloping the entire building and surrounding area over the next couple of years as its condition has deteriorated over years of vacancy. I love the challenge and the historic preservation aspect of this project, as well as its long-term positive economic impact. It is going to be an activator for the community of Red Oak, with residential, mixed-use and anchored tenants that provide elements that the community needs. The mayor and other local officials are in full support. Overall, it’s going to be a very exciting project.”