Laura Mehall

Name: Laura Mehall
Age: 27
Brokerage name: Providence Properties Realty & Management
Are you an independent agent or do you have a team?: independent
What year did you get licensed?: 2022

What are you proud of in your career?
Making the top 500 in Wayne County in my first full year.    

What is something you’re excited about for 2024?
I am looking forward to pushing myself even more and seeing what else I can accomplish.

Tell us one thing on your vision board or bucket list!
Professional: Double my sales of what I had in 2023. 

Personal: Make more time for me and take a vacation.

Tell us about a challenge you have overcome — personal or professional!
I used to struggle really bad with social anxiety. It was a big leap out of my comfort zone to get into real estate. Even going out into big crowds was extremely uncomfortable for me. I have been able to overcome this by really understanding where that anxiety came from and by pushing myself out of my comfort zone to see that it’s not as bad as I thought it was.

Tell us one thing you can’t live without (family & phones don’t count)!

Who do you admire and why?
I admire my husband. He always sees the good in people and has a way of seeing all sides of a story, really viewing things from every perspective.

What is your superpower?
Making the best out of any situation

When you were younger (say, 12-15 years old), what did you dream of becoming?
A lawyer