Benjamin Cockrum

Name: Benjamin Cockrum
Age: 28 
Brokerage name: Preferred REALTORS®, Ltd.
Are you an independent agent or do you have a team?: The Packer Group
What year did you get licensed?: 2017

What are you proud of in your career?
Helping people achieve their goals

What is important to you right now?
Family, health, fitness and mental peace

Tell us one thing on your vision board or bucket list!
Go to Thailand and Vietnam

Tell us about a challenge you have overcome — personal or professional!
In 2021, I competed in a natural bodybuilding show, and I took first place. Training for the competition was a second job — from working out twice a day to dieting and posing at the end of the day while selling real estate full time. 

In 2022, I attempted to break the world record in pull-ups, and I did fail during that attempt. I learned a lot throughout the years, and I’m always trying to grow and get stronger, physically and mentally. 

Tell us one thing you can’t live without (family & phones don’t count)!

Who do you admire and why?
Sylvester Stallone — becoming someone who you knew you wanted to be and believing in yourself, even if everyone made you question your journey. The underdog story helps me relate to my life. The underdogs always fight the hardest to prove they are worthy. 

My father — the hardest working man I know
What is your superpower?
Pull-ups and pound-for-pound lifting ability 

When you were younger (say, 12-15 years old), what did you dream of becoming?
Mechanical engineer