Consistent & Confident

Purchasing a home can seem like a tedious task for clients who have never owned a home before. That's where Michael Julien decided to step in and point the way to homeownership with his experience and expertise.

“I want to help people. I am focused on closing the wealth gap, one family at a time,” he said. “I like helping people achieve generational wealth through real estate.” Changing the trajectory of families is a mission that Michael not only enjoys but passionately embraces. “You can leave something for your kids, and they can leave it for their kids.” The financial picture of a family is changed instantly through homeownership.

Family Matters
Michael grew up in Donaldsonville, running through sugarcane fields and playing football outside. Throughout his carefree childhood, he always assumed he would find a place in the family business and real estate wasn’t on his mind.

“I saw myself becoming a funeral director,” he said. His grandfather operates Williams & Southall Funeral Home. “I understand what hard work looks like by watching him run his business. It’s easy for me to reflect on how he maintains his business because he runs his business at a high level.” His entire life, Michael looked up to his grandfather as a successful entrepreneur. And while he led a successful and lucrative career in the plants, the spirit of entrepreneurship always lingered. 

A conversation with a coworker who owned rental properties sparked his interest in the industry. Two months before he got his license, Michael messaged Richard Spears, CEO of Prime Properties Residential on Instagram and told him that he would work for free. "I wanted to see what real estate agents did,” he recalled. After meeting with Spears and his team, Michael was inspired and ready to join them. Things have moved rather quickly. He got licensed, joined the team and closed over $7,000,000 in residential transactions in 2023, placing him in the Top 100 of all licensed Realtors in the greater Baton Rouge area. 

Stay Consistent
Michael’s large sphere of influence was rocket fuel, but there’s just one thing about rocket fuel - it doesn’t last forever. Once he exhausted his contacts, he had to find a new plan to secure business. The moment had arrived to cultivate habits to fortify his professional life and ensure its longevity. Around the same time, the Prime Properties Residential team began discussing ways to improve their lives overall, not just in business. "It cannot be business all the time," he said.

Together, the team embarked on a collective journey and a team challenge to prioritize their health. Turning weight loss into a friendly competition and leveraging the team for mutual accountability proved to be a winning strategy for Michael. "May of last year I was around 240 pounds when we all agreed to commit to our health journey." He continued, "Before you know it I was 210 pounds, and today I weigh 190." He added, "I would be at events and my team members began noticing the change even before I did." He credits consistency. "Consistency is the key and you just have to start," he emphasized. "Refraining from declarations of 'I'll start this day, or that day' and starting today." 

He said his healthy habits contributed to more healthy habits. An object in motion stays in motion, and the momentum of healthy habits in his everyday life soon began to motivate changes in every aspect of his life. Discovering the power of time blocking changed the way he operates. “Time blocking helps me to have a successful day,” he explained. His work day starts at 9 a.m. with cold calling. Then, he spends time developing insightful content for social media and maintaining relationships with past clients. Harnessing the potential of the morning has paid off for Michael. “It’s working perfectly for me,” he raved. “I found out that time blocking is what I need to do. I continue to have new business growing but also be on the same page with clients and follow up with them as well.”
The time blocking technique serves as Michael's anchor, guaranteeing that he dedicates time to what matters most – his family. Moments spent with his children, Blake, 4, and Denver, 1, are priceless treasures. The steadfast support and inspiration from his children and girlfriend, Brianna Brown, fuel his determination to excel not only in his professional endeavors but also in maintaining his health.
Michael’s health journey hasn’t kept him away from the kitchen, though. A true Louisianan, he finds joy in the kitchen, perpetually seeking new dishes to delight people's taste buds. "I'm a steak connoisseur," he declared. "That’s one of my favorite things to cook."
While it isn’t the life a young Michael planned, he’s grateful for the life he has. “I really like being able to make my own schedule and live life by design while also running an efficient business that takes care of me and my family,” he said. Embracing his entrepreneurial spirit and thriving alongside a team he genuinely loves, he's confident that it’s only up from here.