As Stacy Belanger watched her youngest child confidently step into his kindergarten classroom, she felt the peace and clarity only found in unforgettable moments. She returned to her car in the school parking lot and headed straight to her own first day of school.
After 13 years as a stay-at-home mom to three children, she stood poised for a fresh challenge and adventure. Real estate aligned with her nurturing instincts, competitive nature and experience in sales. But the quiet voice of doubt still loomed. "I was scared," Stacy admits. "But with the encouragement of my husband, I jumped right in and have loved every bit of it."
Now, ten years in, she couldn't imagine a better career or crew. "I run my business with helping people as my main goal," she says. "When the market evolves, so does my business. My broker is by far on the cutting edge in our industry, and my manager, Connie Kyle, is one of our industry's most nationally respected leaders. She is all things real estate, smart as a whip and the life of every party! The office environment she has created is unmatched. Everyone is eager to help one another. There's such a positive energy at Latter & Blum - we simply have the best crew!" 

Embracing Change

Just before high school, Stacy's family, her parents and sister, moved to her parents' hometown of Bunkie, Louisiana - population 4,000. It was a far cry from the bustling California city where they lived for most of her early years. "For our parents, it was moving back home, but it was totally new for us," she recalls. "I remember when we were in California, a Michael Jackson song was really popular, and after we moved to Bunkie, literally two months later, the song came out on the radio, and we were just laughing because it was old to us by then."
It was a small town filled with family. Stacy cherishes that time with her relatives, especially bonding with her grandfather on the tennis court. She was hooked after he signed her, her sister, and her cousin up for tennis camp one summer. Soon, she competed in tournaments alongside her grandpa and continued playing throughout high school. Even in college, she filled her weekends with friendly tennis matches against her now-husband of 27 years, Mike. 
"He had never played before, so I taught him how to play and then after he beat me, I was on a mission to beat him," she says, laughing. A day of tennis with Mike and their three children, Annalise, 24, Ashlan, 23 and John Michael, 16, is her go-to request for Mother's Day. 
These days, Stacy plays tennis as often as she can, usually when she and Mike find a court between John Michael's baseball games when they travel. Always ready to lend a hand, she volunteers at the concession stand, as a gate checker at baseball games or with the Catholic High School Mother's Club.

Competitive Spirit, Compassionate Service

Although Stacy excels in a predominantly individual sport and carries a competitive spirit, her innate desire to uplift and assist others has shaped her career as a Realtor. This unique blend of competitive drive and compassionate service is the hallmark of Stacy's success.

"I always find a way to be there when someone needs me," she says. "Once, I wrote an offer from my hospital bed the day after surgery, and my clients never knew I was in the hospital. That's the way I wanted it. I've shown houses with a torn ACL and left vacations early because I hate to miss a closing. I mean, it's the big moment they've been waiting for!" Selfless dedication to helping others is a lesson modeled early and often by her parents, whether in California or Bunkie. 

"My mom is a take the shirt off of her back and give it to you kind of person, and my dad is always doing things to help friends," she says. "He's funny, though, because he'll help people, but you don't know about it. People come up to me because it is a small town and say, 'Oh, your dad's so sweet. He did this or that,' and he will never say anything about it." Family remains the focal point of Stacy's life. She looks forward to visits from her sister and parents, who live an hour away now.  

"Every time the four of us reunite, my Dad says, 'We got the band back together again!'" she laughs. She and Mike take every opportunity to travel with their children, and now plan visits to see their two eldest. With their daughters living in Nashville and soon-to-be Hawaii, the prospect of exploring these picturesque destinations adds an extra layer of joy to their family-centric adventures. 

Stacy's journey from that poignant moment watching her youngest enter kindergarten to becoming a Top Producer is a testament to her resilience, courage and the pursuit of passion. With every twist and turn, she has adapted and embraced the challenges, aligning her nurturing instincts and competitive spirit to create a flourishing career doing exactly what she loves most - helping others. As she reflects on her path, she acknowledges her family's pivotal role in shaping her values and work ethic, particularly her parents and husband. With each client she assists, Stacy strives for selflessness, always prioritizing the needs of others and the importance of relationships.