Jamie McElmeel-Sutton, Keller Williams

It’s All About Your Mindset!

Location: POINT b

How many years have you been a REALTOR?
It was one year in October.
What is your career volume as a REALTOR?
$9.9 million as a solo agent
Favorite books or music?
My favorite book is Dear John. You’ll never look at a full moon the same again…
What did you do before you became a REALTOR? 
I worked at Regions Bank for 12 years and at Vanderbilt Mortgage before that.
When and how did you start your career in real estate?
I just really felt I needed something more in life, so I started talking to friends and family and asking God to help me and point me in the right direction. I decided to sell my condo during that time, and a friend asked me if I’d ever thought about doing real estate. I said, “No way, I don’t want to be 100% commission!”
Then I had dinner with my sister’s friend’s father who works for Keller Williams. I really enjoyed hearing what he had to say, and I felt like real estate was what I needed to do. So I prayed, “Okay, Lord, if this is what I need to do, please let me know,” and I tell you what, everything just lined up perfectly.
One of my colleagues from Vanderbilt Mortgage was teaching classes for real estate school, so I messaged her right away. She signed me up, and I started a week later. After that, I went to the beach, got engaged, came home and told my fiancé, “I’m going to take this test, buy a new car, quit my job, and go 100% commission.” He was like, “Um, okay…” Seriously, he told me if that’s what I wanted to do, he would support me.”
I talked to my family, too, and I prayed harder than I’ve ever prayed. When I passed the test, it was just such a relief. I went back to my job and gave them my two-week notice, and I started real estate on October 4, 2021. I give all the glory to God!
What was your biggest accomplishment since becoming a REALTOR?
I won Rookie of the Year for the Maryville-Alcoa Keller Williams office, and I got the Double Gold Award (for $8 million or more in sales volume). Also, at the Keller Williams Family Reunion in Anaheim, CA, I was awarded #4 Rookie of the Year out of the whole Southeast Region, out of about 15,000 other agents.
What has been your biggest struggle? 
Comparing myself to others…seeing other agents posting their million dollar listings and not having any listings or being heavy with buyers. I would think, “I must be doing something wrong. When am I going to get this?”
What has contributed to your quicker success?
My sphere: my friends, my referrals, all the connections that I’ve made through life. I was very fortunate that I had so many friends and family who were willing to refer me and help me get started.
What advice would you give to anyone thinking about becoming a REALTOR? 
One of my colleagues told me that 75% of beginning real estate agents quit within their first year because it’s hard. But she said, “If you help one person this year, then you’ve changed one person’s life.” So I think it’s all about your mindset.
How do you spend your time away from real estate?  
My husband and I love taking a trip every January to someplace cold and snowy. I love sleeping in on Saturdays and being at home with my husband. I love being with my family—we all live close to each other, so it’s pretty spectacular. I’ve got an amazing tribe that stands beside me.
Are there any charities or organizations you support?
My husband and I are big animal lovers, and we volunteer with Fighting for the Bullys, a pit bull rescue.