Enriching Lives Through Others

There’s a special feeling that comes from knowing that you are helping others around you enjoy life and activities more fully….to add more enrichment to their world.
That’s the vital role and mission of inclusiveness being carried out by Project Golf.
Inclusive Mission
Gary Schaal, Executive Director and PGA of America Past President along with Angel Diaz, Director and PGA Member and Jack Lutz, Public Relations collaboratively direct Project Golf’s mission: “To advocate the virtues of golf as an impactful and therapeutic means of helping those in need by alleviating the physical, mental, and financial barriers and inspiring and enriching the quality of life for Active Duty Military, Reserves, National Guard and Veterans, Underserved Youth, and Newcomers to the game.”
Project Golf’s headquarters is located at the opposite end of the Barefoot Golf and Resort Range, and serves as the home of the foundation’s initiatives while serving to deliver a unique golf learning experience, and possible model for future development across the Grand Strand.
The 3 Pillars
Its service model to the community is based on 3 Pillars of service to Veterans, Underserved Youth, and Newcomers to the game. As the largest and fastest growing chapter of PGA of America’s PGA HOPE (Helping Our Patriots Everywhere) program, they have improved the quality of life for 453 Veterans. The program is FREE to all Veterans. A recent Veteran graduate of the program shared, “I was in a dark place with my mental health. Project Golf gave me a new lease on life. Before golf, I was depressed and plagued by mental health problems that are service-connected. Since the program, I have been playing golf and my mental illness has stabilized.”
Their Underserved Youth program has touched and improved the life of 100+ kids that would not typically have access to golf. Most recently they have been working with the Boys and Girls Club of the Grand Strand and will join forces with other youth organizations to expand their reach. This program is also FREE to the Underserved Youth.
The Introduction to Golf program for Newcomers is perfect for beginners or those wanting to freshen their skill set and get back into the game. Diaz says, “We connect people through the game. We cultivate an enduring relationship with golf. We are golfers helping other golfers to receive some of the same rewards that we derive from this great game; camaraderie, health, and competition.”
The Vision
The vision for the charity is “To be recognized as the premier provider of life enriching golf instruction on the Grand Strand from multiple locations that inspires, empowers, and enriches the quality of life for Disabled Veterans, Underserved Youth, and Newcomers to the game.
The nonprofit is completely dependent on donors and partnerships to be successful at providing the necessary resources for our Veterans and Underserved Youth. Gary Schaal would like people to know that golf as a means of therapy and enrichment is vital for one’s personal growth. Many struggle with service-related challenges, or other major life changes that can be lessened through the therapeutic remedy that golf can bring.
The Project Golf Team thanks Real Producers for their support and partnership. We look forward to the opportunity of sharing our story with the realtor organizations on the Grand Strand and partnering to enrich the quality of life for those in need through golf.
Congratulations to Project Golf for helping improve the quality of life for our Veterans, Underserved Youth, and Newcomers to the game. To learn more about and support Project Golf, please contact Jack Lutz, jacklutz2@projectgolf.com, (610)608-5152 or go to projectgolf.org.