Sarah Rovniak

After becoming an agent in September, 2022, Sarah Rovniak of the Marley Presswood Group at eXp has crushed the Charleston market in record time. Having already $5 million in sales proves that when you lead with empathy and knowledge, anything is possible.
“The most rewarding part of my business is being able to provide my clients with an empathetic approach to their purchase or sale of their home. I believe as agents, we wear many hats and ‘therapist’ is definitely one of them. I am absolutely that agent that is up late with my clients because they’re stressed about a repair request or they’re having a hard time leaving their home that they’ve made so many memories in. Purchasing or selling a home can be a very emotional process and I love providing my clients reassurance and comfort through the entire process.”
Changing people’s lives through real estate has become Sarah’s number one goal, and through her own experiences buying and selling, she has learned just how important having a great and knowledgeable agent can be. “I love that I can change people's lives with real estate. I have already worked with clients that were able to get established in Charleston by purchasing their first home, providing a better life for their children, and building their wealth with investment properties. Owning real estate has dramatically changed my life and I’m so grateful that I can help others achieve a similar outcome.”
As an amazing problem solver who takes extreme pride in her work, Sarah knows she is nothing without the great mentors who have helped her along the way. It goes without saying that Marley Presswood has been a huge resource for Sarah, helping her achieve what few new agents can, a successful first year in real estate and curing Sarah of what she calls, “Imposter syndrome.” Showing her she is right where she is supposed to be and just how great of an asset to her clients she is.
“I am so driven in real estate because of how it’s been able to change my life. I love seeing my clients experience something similar and take a lot of pride in their happiness. Another huge reason for my success is my team lead, Marley Presswood. She has helped me grow my business faster and more intentionally than I thought possible and I am forever grateful for her.”
Sarah’s ability to be an amazing resource to her clients comes from her years of buying, selling, and renovating homes, and because of that experience, she is able to help with anything from construction through sales. It also doesn’t hurt that her husband Alec is a huge help, as his years in building and construction have led him to start his own hardscaping company, Chucktown Hardscapes.
With Sarah and her husband being fully immersed in the world of real estate, their time at home with their two kids, Emmett, 6, and Noah, 3, is the most important thing to them. Emmett, the family “smartypants,” who loves space and robots, and even wants to build them when he grows up, and Noah, who loves tractors and dreams of working on a farm is Sarah’s whole world. As a family, they love going to Charleston’s many parks, gardening, and going to the beach, really taking in all the Lowcountry has to offer. She even hosts a bagel-making class on the side!
Having such a busy work life, balancing her family with her success can be daunting. In that respect, Sarah has her work/life balance down to a science, saying, “It can be incredibly difficult to balance family time and work time but I think we’re getting into the swing of things. One thing that has helped me tremendously is time blocking every single thing in my calendar. This includes every work appointment, piano lesson, and even grocery shopping. It’s the only way to make sure every need within our family and business is met.”
Due to her quick success in the Charleston market, any new agent wishing for the same should follow her advice to the letter, as she found the special sauce to a monumental first year in real estate. She says, “Find a mentor that will push you beyond what you think is possible for your business. The knowledge you can absorb from someone who’s already successful in our industry is so valuable and worth seeking out. Find someone whose goals and morals align with yours and let them teach you how they became so successful.”
Being empathetic and consistently learning and growing are just a few of the many reasons Sarah’s rise to the top of the Charleston market is a foregone conclusion. Winning the Rising Star award this year is a goal of her’s that will no doubt come to fruition, and watching her achieve that goal will be a sight to see. Charleston is lucky to have her build her business and spread her knowledge in our market, so look out, she’s coming for that number one spot.