Franne Schwarb

Having been in the world of real estate for over 30 years, Franne Schwarb of Coldwell Banker Realty has seen and done it all. From hot markets to housing crashes, Franne’s knowledge of the ins and outs of real estate makes her one of the top agents in the Charleston market, and any client or agent that works with her definitely reap the benefits of her extensive experience in any transaction. Franne has sold over 50 million in Dunes West alone since she moved there from Atlanta in 1996 and that is all the proof needed to know she is a Top Producer. You would be hard-pressed to find a better agent to help you through the good, bad, and ugly sides of real estate.
“The biggest key to success in this business is hard work. Answer the phone when your clients call. Be ethical and responsible to the public and other agents. No one gets enough education and with experience comes that education. Don’t reinvent the wheel, color inside the lines. You have to be able to look in the mirror after a transaction and know you did right, by your client, as that is always most important.”
As a resident of Mount Pleasant since 1996, Franne has seen the highs and the lows in the Charleston market, and can easily deal with any issue that is thrown her way. With a slew of strong women behind her, she has learned how to advocate not only for herself but for anyone who works with her as her strength comes from those who came before her.
“My maternal grandmother was my strongest role model. I spent a lot of time with her in New York City. When I decided to leave the DC suburbs and venture out on my own, I moved in with her in Washington Heights in New York City. Living with her as an adult gave me a completely different perspective on her wisdom and quiet strength. She taught me so much about the importance of family, faith, and hard work. I met my husband not long after I moved out of her apartment and the rest is history. The women in my family have always had strong personalities and stood on their own two feet. All of them gave me the strength and backbone to move forward in times of adversity, never allowing myself to give up while constantly searching for the solution to any problems that crossed my path.”
Franne’s life and career have been strongly impacted by the lessons taught to her, learning that the word isn’t can’t, it’s won’t, and she lives her life knowing she can do anything she puts her mind to, never settling for less. If her success in real estate is any indication, she has done it all, and done it well. She even spent time as a nurse before being an agent, showing that she has a heart to serve.
Setting her apart from other agents in the Charleston market is, in her words, the fact that, “I have more life experience than many agents. I’ve moved cross country with a family many times. I’ve raised three children, including one with special needs. I've owned a few homes and have been through lots of life’s ups and downs. My decades of experience allow me to relate to my clients in a way that less seasoned agents cannot. Having a nursing background makes me a great ‘hand holder’ which many clients need.”
Being part therapist comes with the job, and no one is better at that than Franne. She has seen some of the highest highs and lowest lows throughout her time in real estate, and it’s that experience that has made her the Top Producer she is today.
When Franne isn’t working her tail off buying and selling real estate, she spends her time with her family and helps out her community. She is a proud grandmother who will do anything for her kids and grandkids, saying, “My favorite hobby is being with my grandchildren. I adore them all and cherish each minute we share. In the summer we have ‘Camp Grandma’ when they come to visit without their parents. We do all kinds of fun things…go to the aquarium, the beach, and the neighborhood pool, and have dessert before meals instead of after staying in pajamas, if it’s a rainy day, make forts out of sofa cushions. Anything goes at Grandma’s house!”
When she isn’t being the world's best grandma, she also shares her time volunteering with the American Cancer Society and when it opens, will be volunteering at the International African American Museum, using her servant's heart to help the Charleston community and beyond. Getting to the top of the market is no easy task, however, Franne has done just that and stayed there for over 30 years. It is not easy to find an agent who has seen it all, but Franne is one of them, and her knowledge of all things real estate is not only an asset to her clients, but to the Charleston community as a whole.