Amber Kardosh

Amber Kardosh loves a good challenge. It’s one of the biggest reasons why she got into real estate in 2015. She had just had her second child and was feeling quite bored with her job at the time. Ironically, when a now fellow REALTOR® suggested she become an agent, she winced.
“I initially wanted nothing to do with it,” Amber emphasizes. “But after giving it some thought, I was drawn to the challenge of doing this—to see if I could build a business and be an entrepreneur. The idea was scary, but that is what made me want to try. It was like accepting the ultimate challenge.”
Amber’s appetite for a good challenge comes from her competitive nature, the fruits of which include her tenacious work ethic, persuasive negotiating skills, and rock-like resilience. Even when she was a kid, she loved “winning” the discussions of what to do: “I’d suggest something and then talk my friends into doing it over everything else. ‘Negotiation Queen’ from day one,” Amber asserts, smiling.
Amber’s competitiveness was further honed after she moved to Chicago from Northwest Indiana in her early twenties. Adapting to the bustling city life and knowing only a few acquaintances was a challenge for her at first. However, her outgoing personality won the day with a vibrant circle of friends, as she fully embraced the dynamic lifestyle of “a true city hustler.”
Amber attended DePaul University, where she developed a passion for marathons and triathlons that further set the pace for her life. She credits her athletic drive as being the cornerstone of her determination, pushing her to excel beyond expectations in every aspect of her life.
“Just as a structured training plan is vital in athletics, a focused process is equally crucial in real estate,” Amber explains. “I prioritize this process over immediate results, confident that success inevitably follows a well-executed plan.”
Before real estate, Amber embraced a varied career in sales that ranged from roles in hospitality, to sports marketing research, to United Airlines. The eventual monotony of each role she took ultimately led her to real estate, where the ever-changing nature of the industry continues to keep her agile and engaged.
A near ten-year veteran in real estate, and a solo agent with @properties today, Amber continues to be fueled by her relentless competitiveness, overcoming any challenge the world of real estate tries to throw at her. The most significant challenge Amber has faced occurred just as she was starting her career as a REALTOR®.
“My mother passed away just before I embarked on this new career path,” Amber shares. “Her absence left a profound void in my life. She was always my biggest supporter, especially during my athletic pursuits. Losing her felt like losing my guiding star.”
Navigating through the immense pain of her loss, Amber channeled her focus into mastering the intricacies of real estate, providing her not only a needed distraction, but also a way to honor her mother’s memory.
“I like to believe that she is still watching over me, proud as ever, and cheering me on from above,” Amber notes. “Remembering that she continues to be a part of my journey helps me face any challenge with resilience. Whenever obstacles arise, I remind myself that she is still with me, inspiring me to strive for both personal and professional success. With her as my eternal cheerleader, I am motivated to continue making her proud.”
Loyalty is everything to Amber, especially in real estate. She is deeply committed to being a trusted advocate for her clients, ensuring they feel supported during the transaction and long afterward. “For me, loyalty is the cornerstone of this business,” Amber emphasizes. “Serving as a loyal advisor, consultant, and friend is what truly ignites my passion in real estate.”
This philosophy permeates every aspect of Amber’s life. She is equally as dedicated to excel as a devoted mother to her two sons, Nolan and Nate; as a wife to her husband, Paul; as a sister to her sibling, and as a good friend to her friends and all those she holds dear. She cherishes the flexibility real estate allows her to balance the demands of her business with those of her personal life.
Outside of real estate, Amber enjoys an active life with her boys, whether they’re golfing, skiing, playing catch at the local baseball field together, or she’s cheering them on from the sidelines. She also loves running, strength training, CrossFit, and playing platform tennis, softball, and basketball with friends. Her taste in music creates the perfect soundtrack to her active lifestyle, especially the driving rhythms and heavy tones of Metallica, Eminem, and Måneskin.
Whether she's negotiating a deal, running a marathon, or raising a family, Amber doesn't just meet expectations, she exceeds them, leaving a trail of success and satisfied smiles in her wake. As she continues to build her legacy, one thing is clear: Amber will continue to show the world exactly what she's made of. And in true Amber style, she wouldn’t have it any other way.