Adam Zagata welcomes Kamila

New Dad’s Double Duty

“When my wife and I found out that we were expecting our first child, we were filled with so many emotions—everything from being excited to feeling terrified!” says Adam Zagata, REALTORⓇ with Dream Town Realty. 

Adam and his wife, Letty, welcomed their daughter, Kamila, on May 25, 2022. Before Kamila’s birth, an anxious Adam was comforted by the outpouring of support and guidance he received from friends, family, and colleagues. But all the advice didn’t exactly prepare him for the uncertainties of the pregnancy and Kamila’s unexpected entrance.

“Two weeks before the due date, I was watching an NBA playoff game when my wife felt something; she asked me if we should go to the hospital,” recalls Adam. “I said no, secretly wanting to finish the game. But when we called our doctor, she told us to go. We grabbed our bags (I had to scurry to pack mine) and left for Northwestern Hospital immediately.”

Sure enough, Kamila Zagata had decided it was time to make her debut.

When choosing a name for their baby, Adam and Letty settled on Kamila, which means “perfect,” to fit with their respective heritages: Adam is Polish and Letty is Mexican. Also, the name Kamila is pronounced the same in Polish, Spanish, and English, and they chose to spell the name with the letter K because many European names begin with K instead of C.

“We are a multicultural family, and we both value our cultures,” says Adam. “We speak to her in both our native tongues, Spanish and Polish, allowing us to strengthen her connection to each culture.”

Not surprisingly, since Kamila’s arrival, Adam has found that his whole approach to life has shifted and expanded. This includes his attitude toward his role as a REALTORⓇ, his connection to clients, and his constant schedule juggling.

“As we’ve navigated this new journey, I’ve been able to get counsel from other REALTORⓇ parents on what to expect regarding being a new dad [while working] in the industry,” he says. “I also find it easier to connect with my clients who have children.”

“Of course, I’ve had to work out how to adjust my schedule and work habits to accommodate my family needs while still ensuring my clients’ expectations are met,” Adam adds. “Making time where there is none is the name of the game.”

Adam now regularly wakes up early to get through emails, and he prioritizes story time with Kamila each night, no matter what. He even occasionally brings Kamila to afternoon showings to get in some extra dad time.

“It is important to me to give 100 percent to anything I do,” says Adam. “I never want to let a client down, so I give them my best quality work. With my daughter, it’s the same. I give her the best version of myself, even if it means work and fatherhood duties collide.”

Adam, who has been a REALTORⓇ for over eight years, now has a renewed appreciation for the flexibility the job affords. It gives him more opportunities to balance responsibilities and experience joys in life. He’s able to share quality time with Kamila—like weekly zoo trips, afternoon library outings, and morning bike rides—and still serve his clients well.

“You often hear about people finding work/life balance, but I am starting to realize that there is no such thing,” Adam says. “You’ll never find it and then be done. It is something you have to work on and improve on a daily basis.”

As Kamila continues to grow, Adam can now look back and be extra grateful for all the encouragement and help he was given over the past few years. He’s also eager to pass along the advice he was given and some of his own to expectant and new parents, especially those who are fellow real estate professionals. The key, he believes, is to be prepared for change.

“My advice to dads-to-be is to always be supportive of your partner during the pregnancy, but even more importantly, post-partum,” says Adam. “Also, even though it can be hard, enjoy the long, exhausting days with your newborn because the months and years will fly by.”