Enida Krdzalic

Nominated by: Tommy Choi and Josh Weinberg

Name: Enida Krdzalic

Position/Title: Director of Operations 

Office/Company: Weinberg Choi Residential / Keller Williams ONEChicago

How long have you been working for/with the person who nominated you?
5.5 years

How long have you been working in the real estate industry? 5.5 years
What did you do before you began working in your current position? 
I worked in retail banking as a teller supervisor.
What does your typical workday look like? 
My role is multifaceted! I manage and oversee the administrative team daily through mentoring, training, and accountability. I am also the team’s transaction coordinator which means I support the sales team and clients by taking transactions from contract to close. Lastly, I work with the leadership team to manage the P&L, budget, and project management for the team throughout the year.

How would you describe your job in one word?

Why do you think you excel at your job? 
I am a very organized and task-oriented person. I also am very good at taking a vision/idea and creating it into a system.

What is the most rewarding aspect of your job?
I’m very people-oriented and love seeing others succeed so the most rewarding part is being a part of the success whether that’s a teammate that I’m managing, our team's overall growth through the years, or a client that just closed on a new home!

What is the most challenging aspect of your job?
I think sometimes within an admin role it can be challenging to stay motivated and inspired because it can become repetitive. I always try to think bigger, set goals, and adapt to changes to keep myself engaged and growing within my role.

What is one thing about you that others might find surprising or interesting? 
I didn’t start learning English until I was six years old. My family immigrated to the United States and I started my first day of kindergarten only knowing how to say “hello”. I was completely fluent by eight years old and I still fluently speak/read/write Bosnian.

When you’re not working, what do you like to do for fun?
I enjoy spending time with my friends and family (and my dog Bentley!). I love to read, mostly thrillers and historical fiction books. And my newfound hobby is painting!
How do you feel about being nominated as a Behind-the-Scenes All-Star?
I’m very grateful to be nominated! I know our team, as I’m sure many others, would not be able to do what they do without the support of the admin staff so I love that you’re recognizing all the hard work that goes on behind the scenes!

Is there anything else you’d like to share about yourself, about your job, or about your relationship with the person who nominated you? 
The people who nominated me are my team leads, Tommy and Josh, who do such an amazing job of always making our team culture a priority and that is felt every day on our team. They are incredible leaders and mentors and have been such a huge part of my success within this industry.