Eric Pacheco: Fulfilling a Dream


Eric Pacheco’s rise in real estate these past three years has been nothing short of amazing. From closing 32 transactions his first year to opening his own brokerage—HomeChex—by the end of his second year, he has surpassed all expectations and is on his way to legendary status.
While there are several reasons for Eric’s success, including his extensive experience as a sales director, nothing can compare to the emotional connection he has to the profession. He first caught the “real estate bug” from his father, who played a major role in him entering the business.   
“I helped my dad out with fix and flips when I was in college,” shares Eric. “After working in a couple of different sales and leadership positions, I decided I wanted to partner with my dad in real estate. The goal was he would handle southern Colorado and I would service northern Colorado. Unfortunately, my father passed away unexpectedly three days before I was to take my licensing exam.”
When Eric entered real estate at the end of 2020, he was determined to fulfill the dream he and his father shared. He started with a small boutique broker with the goal of opening his own brokerage by 2025. Relying on his previous sales career, spanning two decades in both higher education and the corporate world, focusing on lead generation and conversion strategies, as well as training and developing future sales leaders, Eric ramped up his business much quicker than anticipated.    
While ramping up his business in the wake of his father’s passing was simultaneously challenging and motivational for Eric, he also found having to calibrate his natural fast-paced work ethic to be a challenge.
“I am always communicating to ensure both parties are in ‘the know’ – but if there is delay in communication, I tend to get frustrated,” Eric confesses. “This is something I continue to work on, being more understanding of other people take evenings or sometimes weekends off – and so I need to be patient and respectful towards others’ schedules and ‘pace.’”
Eric credits his spiritual journey and learning to be in the “now” as vital to his growth and ability to appreciate all aspects of life and people. “It’s so easy to get caught up in the past, or worry about the future, but to truly be in the moment, it’s magical and something I strive to be better at every day. It can be difficult at times, but I continue to embrace it. In addition to my family, this has been the key driver in my success,” he says.
Eric was born and raised in Colorado. He and his wife, Amanda, have five kids—Bayleigh, who is currently serving in the Navy; Keagan, a preschool teacher and aspiring Real Estate Agent; Preston, who is serving in the Marines, and 7-year-old twins Brodie and Tristen. As a family, they enjoy playing and watching sports, playing music together (guitar and piano), and walking around shopping malls, mostly window-shopping, when they’re not cozying up on cold days watching movies and playing board games.
While helping people find their first home or strengthen their investments is very rewarding for Eric, he especially loves that real estate allows him to spend more time with his family and to be there to take his kids to school and pick them up. “I set up my work schedule so I can be around for key moments in their lives; I am forever grateful for this,” he shares.
Eric encourages other agents to carve their own paths as well. While he says it is important to listen to other agents’ advice and be open to everything, he cautions against idolizing “big names” in real estate and blindly following tactics. Instead, he says to take the things that resonate with you and best fit with how you want to do business.
“What works for one person may not work for another,” Eric emphasizes. “Bet on yourself and be confident in your approach. Be willing to fail and do so with grace, learning from it and always getting back up to try again….and again, and again. I truly believe there is plenty of business for anyone who wants to put in the work. But also, for anyone doing this for the right reasons, which does not include making a lot of money – but instead playing a key role in the lives of others.”
At the end of the day, Eric just wants to make people smile when they think of him. He wants to be remembered for being uplifting, positive and willing to help. As he continues building HomeChex as a monument to his and his father’s dream together, while helping others achieve their own dreams, there is no doubt he will continue to make many people smile, including his father.