Stacey Harvey and Lindsey Griffin

The Winding Road Home

“The fundamental principles of strong communication skills, business, and collaborating with others provided an invaluable foundation for me to parlay my education into professional opportunities and eventually real estate,” says Stacey Harvey, principal at the Griffin | Harvey Group.
Stacey has leveraged her background in public relations and marketing to build a thriving brokerage, alongside her partner, Lindsey Griffin, a former advertising agency professional. Both have taken their experiences in high-pressure and fast-paced environments with an emphasis on client care, and adapted them to similar situations as REALTORS®.

Growing up, Stacey’s interests in real estate predicted her eventual path—with a bit of a detour along the way.

“I’ve followed real estate since I was a teenager. I was intrigued by different properties and market conditions,” says Stacey. “During a summer in college, I worked the front desk at a RE/MAX office. It was so long ago that when people called in about a house, I'd have to thumb through a Rolodex to read them the property info.”
After college, Stacey considered pursuing her real estate license and working in Chicago but held off. She chose a career in PR and marketing, then became mom to her twins, Kate and Charlie. Once they began full-day school, Stacey began to ponder a shift in her professional life. At that point, it made sense to reconsider real estate, especially given the flexibility it would provide her as a mom. Success soon followed. 

“After being named Rookie of the Year at my first firm, I hoped for someone to collaborate with,” says Stacey. “Lindsey and I met and got to know each other quickly. As moms juggling family life and career ambitions, creating a partnership was perfect for us.

Lindsey immediately contributed her experiences in account services at large ad firms like J. Walter Thompson and DDB Worldwide. She’d worked alongside creative teams producing TV and print advertising for clients like Northwestern Mutual, the Illinois State Lottery, and State Farm. Then, Lindsey became a stay-at-home mom. With three kids—Joey, Kate, and Charlie—a job requiring a downtown commute and long hours was out of the question. Real estate gave Lindsey a flexible career that utilized her strengths in compassion, connection, and marketing.

“Nobody warned me that a big part of the gig was having difficult conversations every day,” shares Lindsey. “Becoming a mom was my greatest blessing, and it’s probably what made me strong enough to overcome the fear of a position in sales. Having the daily opportunity to play a hand in helping clients with the American dream of homeownership keeps me going.”
From the beginning, Stacey and Lindsey found instant chemistry and a balance of skill sets that makes them the ideal partnership. Their “yin and yang” dynamic and mix of strengths have empowered their quick success. In addition, both hold empathy and personable client relationships as crucial to powering their business.
“Lindsey is one of the most caring, genuine, and professional people you could meet,” says Stacey. “She brings a personal element to every interaction, and works tirelessly for clients to provide best-in-class service. I honestly don't know a single person who has ever had a poor thing to say about her.”

“Stacey is one of the most generous, thoughtful people I know,” Lindsey says. “She goes above and beyond for countless people—never for the accolades, but out of the kindness of her heart.” 
The duo have overcome their share of challenges to come out stronger. In 2022, they faced a significant downturn in business. A crowded market with many other REALTOR® options, rising interest rates, and a referral network that had gone quiet had dropped their business nearly 40 percent. They took the situation as a unique opportunity to improve their approach from top to bottom.
“It provided us with a chance to reflect on what was working, where we could improve, and how to ride the wave until inventory and opportunities presented themselves again,” says Stacey. “By the following year we were back to our previous output levels, and I feel thankful to have had the opportunity to have to dig deep to find the enthusiasm and joy in the business, even when it felt like a grind.”
Even during that challenging period, they were able to support area charitable organizations, keeping true to their mission to be a positive influence in their community. Some of their favorite causes include Hephzibah Children’s Association, Glen Ellyn Children's Resource Center, Teen Parent Connection, Glen Ellyn Infant Welfare Society, Glen Ellyn Food Pantry, Glenbard West Boosters, and Jack's Family Fund, to name a few. “Our goal is always to give back to the communities that have supported our business, and we love to do that both financially and through volunteering,” says Stacey.

They’ve also been able to prioritize client service, from day one, and through the most demanding times.

“I am proud of the authentic brand Stacey and I have been able to build,” says Lindsey. “I am not an overly competitive person, but I feel strongly that the type of service we provide our clients is the very best, and it’s why they refer us to the people they care about. We treat every client as we would a friend or family member.”

Looking forward, Lindsey and Stacey hope to keep growing their network, supporting clients well, and developing their partnership to serve more people. Based on their ten years as high-performing REALTORS®, both know that to do so, it’s necessary to evolve and adapt to the ever-shifting marketplace.
“Real estate is always changing. I love that aspect of it,” says Stacey. “The path is winding, but that keeps it interesting.”

“The one thing that remains constant is the genuine care and compassion that we can share with our clients,” adds Lindsey. “It is a blessing to partner with Stacey, someone who I admire for all the kindness she gives away to countless people. Our work is more than just business to us. It’s part of who we are within our community, and we love helping others find their sense of community in the towns we serve.”