Nicole Myles

Carrying on a Legacy

“My grandmother used to say, ‘You will be remembered more for your kindness than any level of success you could possibly attain,’" says Nicole Myles of Marge Myles, the founder of the Myles Team at RE/MAX Action in Lisle. Nicole often quotes this and many other of her family’s sayings, and you can be sure that when she does, she does so with heart.

A third-generation REALTOR®, Nicole followed in the footsteps of her mother, Kathleen Myles, and her grandmother, Marge Myles, and officially joined the family firm in 2018. While people will often remark that it must have been easy for her to become a successful agent, in many ways, Nicole’s experience was the opposite.

“From the beginning, I was held to a higher standard [than most] even though I was a new licensee,” says Nicole. “But that was a challenge I was happy to live up to. I am very blessed that many doors were opened for me because of my last name, but I had to work endlessly to keep them open and prove that I belonged.”

Also, through every transaction, Nicole feels the weight of continuing her family’s good reputation, which was earned by the previous generations over the course of sixty-five years. To do so, she often leans on the lessons she learned from watching her grandmother and mother as she grew up.

“My goal has always been to emulate and be just like them,” she shares. “I want to grow the legacy that my grandma and mom both worked tirelessly for.”

Since Marge’s passing in 2015, Nicole has depended on the advice and guidance of her mom, who has thirty-five years of her own experience to draw from. Nicole says her biggest lesson was the consistent emphasis on intimate, personal client care—something that has remained a focus point since day one of the Myles Team. Along with many other memorable family sayings, the motto “Be good to people” has been repeated so many times around Nicole that it has become one of her mantras.

“The best advice my mom has given me is ‘People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care,’” says Nicole. “When a client entrusts you to be a part of the biggest investment of their life, they deserve to know that they aren't ‘just a file.’ They deserve to know that you truly care about them as a person.”

Now six years into making her own legacy, Nicole has developed her personal passion for the business and a network of happy clients. She often runs into past clients in the community and their reactions give her extra motivation to serve her next ones well.

“Success to me is when you see a client at the grocery store and they run toward you to give you a hug and pull out photos of their home,” she says. “Success is when they invite you over for dinner, and when their kids remember you by name. It’s getting to meet the baby for whom you helped pick out the color scheme of their future nursery.”

Looking forward, Nicole plans to carry the Myles team torch for many years to come. But she’ll never forget the wisdom and accomplishments of those who came before her.

“I am so unbelievably grateful for the opportunity to carry on the legacy that my grandma started and that my mom has tirelessly and successfully carried on,” says Nicole. “Seeing the generations of clients that the Myles Team has helped is so beautiful. Getting to sell for the grandkids of the clients my grandma first helped is truly a privilege, and not one that I take lightly.”

“I can't look to the future without first looking at my past,” she adds. “I look forward to this legacy being carried on. Cheers to sixty-five more years of the Myles Team!”