Andrew Fox with The BrickKicker

Entrusted with a Legacy of Service

"In a time of rapid change, we remain a team of driven and compassionate individuals ready to serve," says Andrew Fox, president and CEO of The BrickKicker, a comprehensive building inspection and consulting services company. "While we too are evolving, and we hope for the better, we remain loyal to our roots of putting others first."

For thirty-five years and counting, The BrickKicker has been a national leader in residential, commercial, and environmental services. Their first inspection was in 1988, and they began their franchise venture in the mid-1990s.

"As we drive the company forward, our founding principle remains," states Andrew. "We are obsessed with creating exceptional experiences that are not only educational, but also make the journey of owning a building, be it residential or commercial, as simple as possible, as well as make the building itself as ready for the future as possible."

Andrew’s background in customer-focused strategies and building expertise gives him the ideal skills for his current role. After high school, Andrew served in the US Air Force, and then earned a degree in hospitality management. He then pursued a graduate degree in architecture at the University of Florida, but during the second term, he realized that that career would largely confine him to a desk. Seeking a more dynamic profession, Andrew began to research his options and discovered "a top-rated and cost-effective start-up option in the home inspection industry": The BrickKicker.

"Intrigued, I reached out and met with Ron Ewald, one of the founders and owner of The BrickKicker, for coffee at a Starbucks in Des Plaines," Andrew remembers. "Although Chicagoland wasn’t in need of a new BrickKicker location, as it was the home office location, Ron was seeking someone to help grow the local operation."

Soon after Andrew joined the team, he realized the company and his role were a perfect fit. After working with Ron and the organization for several years, Andrew was entrusted with carrying the company forward, allowing Ron to fully retire in 2023. 

The BrickKicker—with its Chicago team of over twenty licensed, insured, and continually trained inspectors along with its twenty-four licensee locations across the country—offers a wide range of services, including detailed inspections, environmental testing, and specialized assessments such as sewer camera and pool inspections. "Our inspectors are able to perform a variety of services, ensuring we meet our clients' diverse needs, and never with anything to sell other than our professional opinions," says Andrew.

Beyond inspections and testing, The BrickKicker team is known for their availability, helpful tools, and exceptional educational approach to service, especially among their REALTOR® clients.

"We have one of the industry's most robust and consistent quality assurance programs around, and we offer one-of-a-kind resources for all of our top real estate agents that include ways to contact us 24/7, 365 days a year," says Andrew.

For their clients, The BrickKicker offers HomeBinder, an ongoing home maintenance program. REALTORS® can take advantage of The BrickKicker’s online Repair Pricer tool, which provides accurate and instant repair cost estimates with just a few clicks. This powerful resource not only arms REALTORS® with valuable information to help inform their clients of possible financial implications of a purchase, making the decision-making process smoother, but it also provides leverage in negotiations, helping to minimize surprises, ensure fair deals, and foster increased transparency and trust.

Looking to the future, Andrew comments, "Over the years, technology has revolutionized every aspect of our business—from the way we produce our inspection reports to how we schedule and follow up on our services."

Like other areas within real estate, the home inspection industry is intrigued by and sees the potential in AI’s power to process information quickly and efficiently.

"We anticipate a substantial increase in the use of artificial intelligence to collect and analyze data points, which can aid inspectors in their assessments," says Andrew. "Ultimately though, it will be the human inspector who interprets this data to meet the specific needs of each client. This blend of technology and human expertise will define the future of our industry."

Andrew is committed to leading The BrickKicker team and ensuring their success for the next thirty-five years. In fact, the company is on target to double its capacity over the next half decade, building upon its history of exceptional service.

"I never feel like I am working because I love what I do, but then again, I do love to work hard," he says. "At The BrickKicker, we are dedicated to helping clients because they have entrusted us not only with their investment, but with the property they fell in love with. I know a little bit about what that’s like."