Making His Mark: Colby Davis Excels in Residential Real Estate

Driven. Disciplined. Dependable. Determined.

Never underestimate the importance of your hometown and your upbringing for shaping your character and convictions.
Colby Davis, a native of Harrodsburg, Kentucky, grew up in Mercer County, just a short distance west of Lexington. Raised on a farm, Colby learned the importance of hard work from an early age. He spent his formative years working on the farm alongside his family, and even now, at the age of 91, his grandfather continues to work the land. Colby's parents still reside there, maintaining the family legacy.
“Growing up on a farm helped me learn the value of hard work,” comments Colby. “That work ethic has helped me later in life.” He has fond memories of driving tractors at a young age, working with the cattle, and cutting and raking hay. “I also square baled hay,” he reflects. That was the most challenging task on the farm, but Colby was up to the challenge. Not one to shy away from hard work, Colby learned to persevere, a life lesson that he has carried with him throughout his career.
Full story in our August edition. Email Aaron - for more.