From Cancer to Politics to Top Producer, Shevawn Akers Triumphs over Trials

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Top Producer Shevawn Akers can attest to that. Diagnosed with breast cancer at 37, she knows what it’s like to face battles and win. Her strong character, coupled with her resilience, can be traced back to her childhood growing up in Jessamine County.

Country Roots

“I grew up as a country kid,” says Shevawn. “We rode horses, roamed the countryside, went fishing, and had lots of pets.” She has fond memories of pet rabbits, birds, chickens, cats, dogs, and a goat. “My grandparents were farmers in Harrodsburg; I have lots of fond memories there, too.” Running from cattle in the fields, driving a tractor, and playing in the tobacco barn were memorable moments. 

“Having that freedom to play outside, run in the fields, and explore the hills helped me appreciate adventure, while making me independent,” points out Shevawn. “I’m not afraid of risks.” Shevawn eventually earned a BA in Social Work, with a minor in Psychology, from the University of Kentucky. She later returned to UK where she earned her master’s degree and worked in the non-profit sector for 15 years, managing grants, overseeing state advocacy projects & directing a group home for homeless and pregnant/parenting teen girls. 

An Unexpected Diagnosis 

Diagnosed with breast cancer at 37 rocked Shevawn’s world, especially as a single mom to her 10 year-old son, Hayden. She shares, “My life flashed before my eyes; the fear of dying and leaving Hayden alone was terrifying. It changed my perspective 1000%. I was no longer afraid of anything else. I contemplated my own death and realized there was nothing to ever be afraid of. I don’t waste time on frivolous things, on petty things or drama. None. Life is far too precious and too short to waste time on such. My treatment included surgery, four rounds of chemotherapy, 20 rounds of radiation, and Tamoxifen.” She is grateful to be cancer-free for 12 years now. Fascinatingly, there was a silver lining to her ordeal. Surviving cancer gave her the courage to forge a new career. 

Diving into Politics

“I have always loved politics,” says Shevawn. Since college, she has been engaged with political campaigns. “Because I loved volunteering for campaigns - making calls, knocking doors, etc. - I thought I might run a campaign or be a speech writer someday - something behind the scenes,” she says. “I never thought I would be a politician.” A self-described “political nerd,” Shevawn used to spend hours watching the Kentucky General Assembly on KET and has never missed an election in 30+ years. 

Just one month after finishing cancer treatment, a council member asked Shevawn if she might consider running for a vacant seat on Lexington’s City Council. “Before cancer, I would have said ‘No way.’ My hair was the length of a buzz cut. I couldn’t imagine my name on a yard sign. But because of cancer, I thought, ‘Why not?’ What do I have to lose?’ I just wasn’t afraid anymore,” she says. Shevawn knew how to raise money, talk to voters and had the drive needed to succeed. She decided to run, won her primary and general elections and served four years as a Lexington City Council Member. 

Making Her Mark 

The idea of switching gears and going into real estate was actually the suggestion of Shevawn’s soon-to-be mother-in-law, Myrna Downing, who has been a REALTOR® in Lexington for more than 30 years. Myrna saw Shevawn’s potential with her outgoing personality, her education, and experience. Shevawn explains, “After my first year, I realized the demands of Council didn’t allow me to give 100% to my non-profit job, so I resigned from that position. Soon after, Myrna encouraged me to sign up for real estate classes.” 

During her second term, Shevawn became a REALTOR® in January 2015. She is so grateful for this career and how it has changed her life and her family’s future. “If I knew how my life would be transformed, I would have left social work a long time ago!” 

Helping Families Build Wealth

Shevawn loves helping families build wealth through real estate. She shares, “I have personally experienced the difference real estate investing can make for your family and I want to share that with others.”

This Top Producer took her own advice to heart. When Shevawn first found success in real estate, she didn’t spend her earnings lavishly. Instead, she purchased investment properties. In the process, she was able to help clients in dire situations. As Shevawn says, “Foreclosure is not the answer.” Saving people from foreclosure, as Shevawn has done for others, is priceless. Currently, she owns several long-term and several short-term rentals. 

A New Chapter

Last year, Shevawn started her own brokerage, Firefly Realty & Investments. She obtained her broker’s license during the state COVID lockdown. “I wanted to take the class & get my broker’s license in case I ever decided to go out on my own,” she explains. Little did she know that two years later she would launch her independent office. It was one of many surprises that life had in store for this go-getter. Her daughter was another. 

“Emerson is a miracle baby,” explains Shevawn. “She was born five years after my cancer treatments. My estrogen levels were very low from the effects of Tamoxifen and I have only one fallopian tube from an ectopic pregnancy. I never dreamed I could get pregnant with all of these issues - especially at 42!” My husband is an only child, so Emerson is his parents’ only grandchild and the light of our lives. 

Family Matters

When not working, it’s all about family for Shevawn. She feels blessed that her son is now 21 years old and a firefighter in Frankfort. “Hayden is fully self-sufficient and loves his career,” she says. “What else can a mom hope for?” Shevawn is also grateful for the love and moral support from her husband, who has encouraged her every step of the way. “Jarad is the kindest and smartest person I’ve ever known. I admire him immensely,” shares Shevawn. Emerson recently celebrated her 7th birthday while on vacation in Mexico. “I love having the opportunity to be a girl mom now, after doing all the traditional boy things with Hayden. Now, I get to braid hair, paint fingernails, and shop for cute clothes,” she smiles. 

Shevawn’s hobbies include traveling the world with her family as often as she can. She’s in the process of buying a condo in Playa del Carmen and hopes to move there soon. She enjoys riding bikes with Jarad, taking Emerson to the playground & cooking for family and friends. She loves college football, craft beer, a smoky mezcal & bourbon.

A Legacy of Resilience

Shevawn's story is one of resilience, empowerment, and the pursuit of dreams. From a carefree country childhood to facing life's challenges head-on, she has emerged as a beacon of strength, courage and determination. She serves as an inspiration to all who dare to defy expectations and embrace their true potential.