Tiffany Jarvis The Brokerage Real Estate Advisors

The Woke Agent

While the term “woke” has been co-opted and often maligned depending on one’s political leanings, the original definition guides Tiffany Jarvis in her business and personal life. According to Wikipedia, “Woke is an adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) meaning ‘alert to racial prejudice and discrimination’.” 

“I have a huge book of business that includes people of Nepali, Congolese, and Zimbabwean descent,” Tiffany explains. “It was built entirely word-of-mouth.” She wasn’t specifically trying to develop a niche and explained that she helped several families through Zillow leads, and they in turn referred friends and big families. 

Tiffany has always been about building community and connecting with people and hosted a podcast called “The Woke Agent” to get to know other Realtors, asking how they got their start, how they ran their business, and who they were on a personal level, much like the Real Producers platform. She enjoyed the podcast immensely and even gained a little local recognition when she would run into people at showings. 

Read full story in our June edition - contact Aaron for more.