Blue Moon Estate Sales

Your Trusted Resource for Estate Liquidation

Blue Moon Estate Sales is proud to be a trusted resource for estate liquidation and a treasure trove for vintage and antique enthusiasts. Founded in October 2018, Blue Moon Estate Sales has quickly emerged as a prominent name in central Kentucky and Louisville. Anne Helmers and Kelli Helmers, friends, sisters-in-law, and business partners, came together to form this leading local company.
Combining Passion and Need
When asked about the inspiration behind Blue Moon Estate Sales, Anne and Kelli shared their deep-rooted love for vintage and antiques. They recognized the need for a trusted resource to assist clients in the process of liquidating personal property. "We saw the opportunity to create a reliable and compassionate service that helps clients navigate major life events," explains Anne. Whether it's dealing with the loss of a loved one, going through a divorce, or downsizing to a new living arrangement, Blue Moon Estate Sales offers a supportive and professional solution.
The Bond of Friendship and Complementary Skills
As friends, sisters-in-law, and business partners, Anne and Kelli highlight the unique bond they share. "We are fortunate to have such a strong relationship and the ability to work together," says Anne. Their complementary skills and strengths contribute to the success of Blue Moon Estate Sales. Anne has a background in Early Childhood Education and Kelli was previously an attorney focused on law and non-profits. With their combined expertise, they bring a caring and compassionate approach to the business. Together, they tackle client meetings, item photography, staging, pricing, and office management.
Navigating Life's Transitions with Care
Anne and Kelli expressed their genuine love for what they do and the satisfaction it brings. "Whenever someone needs an estate sale, they are almost always going through a major life event," explains Kelli. Blue Moon Estate Sales steps in to assist clients during these challenging times, providing support and a sense of relief. By taking on the responsibility of liquidating personal property, they help clients navigate a stressful process with compassion and professionalism. "It's incredibly rewarding to see the relief clients experience when we can lighten their load," adds Anne.
Honoring Memories and Unearthing Treasures 
One of the most enjoyable aspects of their work, according to Anne and Kelli, is uncovering the stories behind homeowners' belongings. Each house they enter holds a unique history, waiting to be discovered. "Every house is different, and we find amazing stuff," shares Anne. Blue Moon Estate Sales takes pride in preserving the legacy of a person's life by finding new homes for their cherished possessions. It's a journey filled with surprises, heartwarming moments, and the thrill of unearthing hidden treasures.
Turning Houses into Elevated Shopping Experiences
Blue Moon Estate Sales offers a wide range of services to meet their clients' needs. It all begins with a free in-home consultation, where the team assesses the individual requirements of each estate. If Blue Moon Estate Sales is deemed the right fit, they bring their own lighting, tables and tablecloths to transform the house into an elevated shopping experience. With expert item photography and engaging videos, they ensure effective estate sales that attract the right buyers. “Securing a successful turnout of excited shoppers is one of the things we do best!” explain this dynamic duo.
Researching and pricing is another area where they shine. Anne explains, “Our staff is specially trained to identify, research and price items according to market value. Their expertise is off the charts and they are fantastic at finding unique and collectible items. We understand the latest trends in the secondhand market and what items are particularly sought after. Ask our team about the history of an item and they can probably tell you more than you ever wanted to know about it!”
A two-day estate sale, generally on a Saturday and Sunday, attracts a crowd. Thanks to a number system at the beginning of every sale, the crowd is controlled with ease. A limited number of people are allowed in the home at one time. A point of sale system also tracks what is selling and shoppers can pay with cash or cards.
Cost-Effective Solutions After the Sale
“Our goal is to always sell as much as we possibly can, but there are inevitably some things left over after a sale. At that point we can help the family identify a solution to quickly and economically clear out any remaining items so they are left with an empty home ready for a cleaning crew,” comments Kelli.
Catering to Real Producers
Realizing the significance of referrals from real estate agents, Blue Moon Estate Sales understands the importance of trust and professionalism. They aim to be an extension of the agents' reputation, providing fast and flexible assistance in selling personal assets before or after property transactions. The Blue Moon team ensures that clients and properties are taken care of just as the agents would themselves.
“A Blue Moon estate sale can draw lots of attention to your listing,” says Kelli. “We usually get 400-600 people at our sales and they often want details about the property. If you have the ability to plan it, you can utilize the estate sale almost as an open house.” Agents are welcome to attend the sale to market to potential buyers, or the dedicated staff at Blue Moon Estate Sales are happy to hand out business cards and/or information sheets during the sale.
If you are looking for a Blue Moon estate sale, contact Kelli and Anne sooner than later. Getting a free consultation early in the process ensures that valuable items aren’t donated or tossed. Plus, it gives Kelli and Anne more time to fit you on their calendar and market a sale.
A Trusted Partner
Blue Moon Estate Sales has swiftly become a trusted partner for estate liquidation in central Kentucky and Louisville. Anne Helmers and Kelli Helmers, the driving force behind this successful venture, combine their passion for vintage and antiques with a deep understanding of the emotional aspects involved in parting with beloved possessions. Their compassionate approach, professionalism, and commitment to preserving the stories and memories behind each item set them apart from the competition.
Whether it's assisting clients through challenging life transitions or unearthing hidden treasures, Blue Moon Estate Sales stands as a beacon of support in the estate liquidation industry. Let them guide you through the process of estate liquidation with care, compassion, and a love for preserving the past.
For More Information:
Blue Moon Estate Sales
193 Kentucky Ave 
Lexington, KY 40502
(859) 523-3483