Melissa Brown Keller Williams Legacy Group

Realty a Family Affair for Melissa Brown

When Melissa Brown got into real estate five years ago, she likely wasn’t completely sure the impact the profession would have on her and her family. A devoted mother of two who lives in Mount Sterling, Kentucky, Brown has realized real estate has become much of her family’s life now – providing for them, watching them help during open houses and even as much as helping install signs for her new listings.
Brown first started her real estate journey when her oldest daughter was just a baby. Raising Katherine, now 16, and other pressures of life sidetracked her pursuit of her license for a time. But when she was pregnant with her son, Case, now 8, she was determined to finish. She stayed steadfast while having and raising a newborn and received her license in 2018. Brown initially started with a small, independent brokerage in her hometown before moving on to Keller Williams Legacy Group. From that point on, Brown has not looked back.
“The brokerage is out of Richmond but they went to work immediately to open up a branch here in Mount Sterling, which is awesome,” Brown said. “Dana Gentry, our operating principal, has done everything to give back to the agents and goes above and beyond to show her appreciation for us. She holds a bunch of events and keeps everybody happy. She’s the happiest person on earth and I have a ton of respect and look up to her. I’m very grateful to have Dane and, of course, my wonderful broker, Yvette Kelly, in my life.”
But it’s not only the people she works alongside who create the enjoyable career she has built for herself.
“I love to help people and work step-by-step with my clients,” Brown added. “I absolutely love getting to travel the Bluegrass and see places I haven’t been with clients. I enjoy getting out, traveling and looking at real estate and properties in areas I haven’t necessarily seen before.”
Quite often Brown turns showings into family road trips.
“We love to stop at state parks we’ve never explored and try new restaurants,” Brown said. “I feel like I’m a pretty fun mom!”
It is a trickle-down effect from Brown to her clients that makes the relationship so valuable to both sides.
“My main priority is for my clients to be happy,” Brown said. “I want to help make their dreams come true and ensure that whatever decision they make at the end of the day is the absolute best one for them and their family. I want to provide a stress-free process for them, helping them fulfill their need. It’s important that they know they can trust and put their faith in me.”
While helping her clients continues to be her main priority professionally, the job has provided an additional reward to Brown. She has learned values that have been passed down to her children.
“I believe my children really look up to me and have inherently obtained a certain kind of work ethic and the importance of always doing the right thing,” Brown said. “That way you know in your heart you did your best. I am of Christian faith and was extremely close to my grandmother, Christine Brown, who was an angel on earth and the best wife, mother and grandmother anyone could ask for. I often find myself asking how she would handle a situation.”
Brown’s kids have adapted to the real estate way of life and understand schedules could change in the blink of an eye but are always eager to help with showings.
“Case will go through and turn all the lights on for me and Katherine enjoys taking in all the homes have to offer and admiring the characteristics and qualities each home offers,” Brown added. “She has a strong work ethic instilled in her, as she has worked steadily since she was 15 and plans to obtain her real estate license as soon as she turns 18. Although I work around the clock, when I set time aside for them, they know they will get Mom’s full attention. I’m adamant about having quality family time, including Case’s oldest sister who attends UK, and meals at the dinner table at least twice a week, if not more when our schedules allow. We all need that time.”
With her kids being so much a part of her life outside of work and on the job, Brown thinks it’s important to continue to educate them and provide advice for whatever path they go down.
“First, I think it’s important to find your passion, something you absolutely love and go after it,” Brown said. “When you are rewarded with knowing you have helped someone to the best of your ability and your clients appreciate you striving for them, it’s not work at all. That’s a feeling that makes it all worth it and when you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life. On top of that, just take a moment – don’t immediately respond, but go over all the best options as to what your response will be and always do what is best for your client.”
So what does Brown do to take a load off in those few down moments?
“I love planning big vacations with the kids, as well as mini staycations,” Brown said. “Just being outdoors and taking in nature. I often find myself in the Natural Bridge area for work, so I enjoy hiking and trying to take advantage of the opportunity to breathe it all in. Also, I love farms and horses and the barn is like therapy. I am so excited that real estate provided me the opportunity to purchase my Papaw’s farm. It is my happy place and my escape and I couldn’t be more proud and excited to have been able to carry on our legacy and recently purchase the property.”
Down moments or not, Brown surely is enjoying this path she chose to travel with her family.