On The Rise: Meet John Fitzwater with Weichert REALTORS® – Ford Brothers

A Man of Integrity, Community and Connection

“Your honesty is all that you have. In our business, your reputation is your lifeblood,” says REALTOR® John Fitzwater with Weichert REALTORS® – Ford Brothers. He tells people the truth about listings and gives them advice that can help them safeguard their finances. 

When John sold a house for a young adult who was moving to Florida, the client made a considerable profit. “Don’t spend it all on guns and tattoos,” John cautioned him. When the client later wanted to move back to Kentucky, he hadn’t wasted the money and was able to get a house better than the one he had sold. “I was just being honest,” says John, who feels fortunate that the young man heeded his advice. “Otherwise, he wouldn’t have had enough money for a house.”

A Foundation Rooted in Integrity

John's early life unfolded in Somerset, Kentucky, a quintessential small town where everyone knows everyone else. Raised by parents who instilled a strong sense of integrity, he was shaped by the values of community building, honesty, and compassion. John's father, a respected newspaper publisher, and his grandparents, pillars of the community, left a lasting impression on him. 

“My grandfather sold tractors for 65 years in our farming community,” says John. “Everyone loved him. He might not tell you what you wanted to hear but he told people the truth. He could sleep at night because he was honest and didn’t take advantage of people.” John learned that reputation and integrity are essential. The commitment to truth, fair-mindedness, and treating people with respect became the cornerstone of his character.

Unconventional Beginnings

John's career journey started in an unexpected direction – the world of music and sound engineering. He recalls being in Hawaii at the age of 8 and hearing the band at a tiki bar, telling them they were either too loud or he couldn’t hear them. It was a taste of things to come. Imagine his surprise when he ended up becoming a sound engineer in New York City years later. 

His natural inclination to connect with people led him to become a sought-after sound engineer, working with renowned bands such as the Spin Doctors, Blues Traveler, Dave Matthews Band, and more. 

“I’ve traveled with bands, which is a lot like going on the road with the circus,” explains John. He can relate to people from all walks of life with varied experiences. This unconventional path was invaluable to him, teaching him resilience in the face of chaos and uncertainty, qualities that proved invaluable when he eventually transitioned into real estate.

John, who had lived in New York City during 9/11 and in Naples, Florida for Hurricane Andrew, has lived through harrowing events in life. He attributes these experiences to making him stronger. He can relate to people with small-town roots, rural communities, and cities.

Pivoting During the Pandemic 

Prior to real estate, John and his wife owned a store in Kentucky with local items. With the stay-at-home order and the rise of online shopping during the pandemic, it was a challenging time for small businesses.  John's leap into real estate was prompted by the need for stability during the difficult times of the COVID-19 pandemic. His decision to join Weichert REALTORS® – Ford Brothers was guided by a belief in honest service and community values. The reputation of the brokerage and its owner, Matt Ford, resonated with him, aligning with his own principles of treating clients and colleagues with respect and integrity. Matt’s words rang true and he came from a service mindset, similar to John.

John, a talented real estate professional, is a natural when it comes to sales. His skillset in interacting with others resonates with them, dating back before real estate. For several years, he sold Ducati motorcycles, making it to the top of the nation in sales back in 2007. Now he sells houses and loves what he does. 

One of John's biggest challenges has been navigating deals that start to fall apart. His commitment to keeping deals together and maintaining a positive outlook has been a driving force in his success. His experience of being a top producer in his first full year in real estate attests to his dedication and the unwavering customer-centric approach he brings to every transaction.

Success = Sleeping Soundly

For John, success is defined by the ability to sleep soundly at night, knowing that he has treated both clients and family with respect and honesty. In his career, it's about helping clients find the right fit, whether it's their dream home or a smart investment. In his personal life, it's about striking a harmonious balance between work and family, cherishing every moment with his wife and four children.

Finding Love on Facebook

John has a heart of gratitude for his family. “I am so flipping lucky to find the people I’ve found,” he smiles. “My wife Jamie posted on a mutual friend’s Facebook page that she was starting a farmers’ market. I sent her a message, ‘How can I help?’ I had done concert promotions and productions.” Although Jamie wondered who John was, she was taken aback by his writing. A writer herself, Jamie loved that his message had no Internet shorthand with correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. A year later, John had the courage to ask her out, at Jamie’s prompting. “We have been together ever since,” says John. “Jamie is my best cheerleader, my most honest critic. She keeps me focused with my eye on the prize. She also lets me be me.”

John has two stepchildren, ages 16 and 13. “They’re fantastic,” he raves. “They are always a part of our life, and we don’t go anywhere without them. Our 16-year-old wants to be a chef and cooks for the family five nights a week.” He has a natural skill for complex spice blends. The 13-year-old is a flutist, and blacksmith, who wants to be an engineer and go to MIT.

John also has two of his own children with Jamie. His son Johnny (7) is opinionated and very bright. “He’s too much like me,” jokes John. “He has his own opinions about the way his life is going to be.” He also has another son named Jesse, age 3. 

“I waited until 50 to have kids,” says John. “When my wife and I got married she told me that I had done everything in the world except the best thing except what life has to offer – have kids.” He took her advice to heart and enjoyed one of the greatest blessings in life. 

An Artist's Heart

Beyond real estate, John is a multifaceted individual with a passion for photography, kayaking, hiking, and live music. As a professional photographer, his work has been featured in national magazines and corporate art installations. He's also an ardent music lover and loves attending concerts, and he understands the value of appreciating life's moments as they unfold.

A Legacy of Honesty

John’s message is simple yet profound: honesty and integrity are the guiding lights that lead to success, both in business and in life. His commitment to serving others with respect, empathy, and a genuine desire to help sets him apart as a remarkable REALTOR® and a true advocate for those seeking to find their place in the world of real estate.