Tonia Witt Photo

Capturing Picture-Perfect Photos with a Flash!

“A lot has happened since 2020,” reflects Tonia Witt. “I’ve got a whole new life and a whole new career.” She reinvented herself during the pandemic, following her heart into photography and establishing her own business, Tonia Witt Photo.
A Heart to Help Others
Tonia, who was a middle school social worker for 20 years, has always had a heart to help others. She dedicated her career to helping students and families in need, immersing herself in their lives to better understand their needs. However, life took an unexpected turn when her mother was diagnosed with cancer in April 2008 and passed away later that year. Tonia's father also suffered a massive heart attack in April 2014, which led to his passing. Tonia has also experienced the loss of her grandparents, prompting her decision to take early retirement to focus on her son and personal life.
That’s when Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass contacted her to be their regional program manager. “I loved the job and being connected to kids at the school,” she smiles. In 2020, she was forced to go remote and connected with the families in her care over Zoom.
“I made the difficult decision to retire a second time in September 2020,” she reflects. Amidst these life challenges, Tonia found solace in photography.
Becoming a Professional Photographer
“I’ve always had an interest in photography,” she smiles. Inspired by a close friend who was a photographer, she began experimenting with her own photography work. The COVID-19 pandemic provided Tonia with the opportunity to delve deeper into her newfound passion.
“A good friend of mine was a phenomenal top-notch sports photographer,” she says. “He died unexpectedly in 2020. I was very much in tune with sporting events and covered his sporting events for the local newspaper at the time.” When COVID caused sporting events to shut down, Tonia continued snapping photos. Capturing everyday moments with her newfound passion, photography came easily to her.
“I started the Passion Project. I went out every day and shot photos, whether pictures of an empty downtown, covered bridges, families on their porches, or historic buildings. I shot every single day. Around April, I went out and shot every single church in our county just in time for Easter.” Tonia’s photography started to gain popularity and she realized that photography could become more than just a hobby.
A Trusted Sports Photographer
“I had opportunities to shoot UK women’s basketball, UK men’s basketball, WNBA games, and Kentucky State Athletic Championships,” she says. A trusted sports photographer, Tonia saw a lot of doors opening up for her. She has a heart of gratitude for the opportunities that were before her. COVID caused her to pivot with her profession, emerging on the photography scene.
“COVID was looked at as a distracting, distraught time, but I looked at it as a blessing,” she reflects. “I took the opportunity to shoot sports during COVID. Then the real estate market exploded.”
Another door opened for Tonia, right before her very eyes.
Rise in Residential Real Estate Photography
“I was standing out in my front yard and a friend pulled up in her car and got out. We chatted for a few minutes and she was getting ready to list the house next door.” When she asked Tonia if she wanted to take pictures of it, Tonia said yes.
“She was thrilled with the photos at that time, but they were terrible,” laughs Tonia. She then asked her to shoot another house and Tonia agreed. Although Tonia wasn’t satisfied, her friend was thrilled with the photos. She was determined to improve her skills and had the perfect place.
“I had an oceanfront condo at Myrtle Beach and went down there for a week and immersed myself in the process of real estate photography,” she says. “All my photography was self-taught, other than a couple of mentors, Google, YouTube, and a lot of trial and error.” Her effort paid off as one referral led to another.
Since the onset of the pandemic, Tonia has shot over 800 homes, working with 55 different agents and establishing herself as a trusted real estate photographer. “I consistently shoot for around 20 agents,” she says.
Customer Service and Going Above and Beyond
Tonia prides herself on her top-notch customer service and attention to detail. As a one-woman show, she ensures that her clients, both agents and homeowners, receive the best possible experience. Tonia goes above and beyond to make the process smooth, especially when time is limited. Her goal is to provide a high-quality product while being respectful and considerate of everyone involved. With her dedication to customer service, Tonia has built lasting relationships and earned the trust of agents and homeowners alike. As she says, “If you put out a good product, the other things will take care of themselves.”

Rise Up Sports Media and Female Athlete Empowerment

In addition to her real estate photography career, Tonia is passionate about giving female athletes the recognition they deserve. She founded Rise Up Sports Media, a platform focused on empowering female athletes, primarily in Kentucky but that net is growing. Through social media highlights, podcasts, and publications, Tonia aims to give female athletes the exposure they often lack. Rise Up Sports Media has gained a significant following and gained traction, allowing athletes to share their stories and expand their platforms.
“I’m a big proponent of female sports,” says Tonia. She is doing her part to promote women’s sports and give them the recognition that they deserve.
First Impressions Count
From social work to real estate photography, Tonia followed her heart into a profession that she loves. She loves what she does, capturing picture-perfect photos with a flash. As Tonia can attest, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Make a lasting first impression for potential buyers with exceptional photography by Tonia Witt Photo!
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Tonia Witt Photo