Ashley Hustad

For Ashley, it all boils down to the relationships. She told the story of a recent closing. The family wanted to move to Waverly, and they had a mini acreage to sell. But they were in it for the long haul. For almost a year, Ashley worked with the family, looking at every property that came on the market in Waverly. “They trusted me. It truly felt like a Goliath to them, and we worked it down, section by section with time and patience.” They made some simple tweaks to their house, according to Ashley’s game plan, and seamlessly sold their house. “I can’t tell you how often we stood in their driveway and chatted throughout the process. It was the beauty of the relationship piece of this business on all levels.”

And that’s what it’s always been about for Ashley: the relationships. But her favorite part of the
job? “When clients come back. Some of my favorite clients moved to Massachusetts. And a few years later, they moved back to Nebraska. I almost cried because I couldn’t wait to help them and hug them! There aren’t many careers where you can build this kind of long-lasting  relationships.” Ashley’s main goal is to be a resource for her clients, whether that means helping them solve problems buying and selling their houses or, as she added, “finding a place to get their hair cut or giving them advice about preschools.” To her, it is so much more than a house. It’s an honor.