Mike Mitchell
Building the Next Thing

For REALTOR® Mike Mitchell, being remembered as a person of integrity is far more important than any material success. Mike, who was recognized by @properties as the 2023 Top Individual REALTOR® at the @properties Glencoe office, and ranked in the top 5 percent for residential sales volume and units sold in 2023 by NSBAR,1 aims to foster collaboration and unity, knowing that a lasting impression of goodwill holds more value than any trophy.
In fact, integrity and hard work are central to Mike's approach to success. He is proof positive of his firm belief that when individuals invest wholeheartedly in their pursuits, success naturally follows. This mindset has paved the way for him to continually envision and build the next thing.
Born and raised in New York City, Mike's life was uprooted in the late ’70s when his father's job, as a corporate troubleshooter, brought the family to Chicago. “Everything was so new to me, but the move quickly taught me the skill of adapting to change,” shares Mike.
And with time, he also learned to value and utilize his passions. Mike admits that in his early years he struggled with procrastination and focus. “I think about this struggle often, and how leaning into things I am passionate about marked a turning point in my life,” notes Mike. These passions have continued to lead to remarkable achievements and personal growth, as Mike has worked to build a life legacy he can be proud of.
Business and entrepreneurship are nothing new to Mike. After twenty-five successful years of building a wholesale outdoor sporting goods equipment and apparel business, Mike faced a crossroads in his career. It was 2005, and industry consolidation and shifting market trends were beginning to impact his company's growth. Recognizing the need for change, he sought a new venture that could provide stability and longevity.
Always intrigued by real estate, Mike saw an opportunity when his wife briefly explored the field. During a holiday break, he diligently studied for his real estate license and passed the exam. Soon after, he sold his outdoor equipment business to the representatives he worked with and set out to build the next thing: his REALTOR® business and career.
Interviewing with various real estate companies, he found inspiration in one particular office but faced a setback when they couldn't accept new agents. Undeterred, he joined Coldwell Banker, where he had great success for the next fifteen years. “I flourished in this new environment,” remembers Mike. “[Being] Surrounded by experienced agents who shared their passion for the work [with me], launched my career.”
While feeling “at home” at Coldwell Banker, a series of events led him to consider a change. Recruiters from other companies approached him, and he found himself drawn to @properties's approach to the industry. With the shifts in leadership and culture occurring at Coldwell Banker at the time, he began to envision a different path for his career. “I recognized the strong alignment between my professional goals and @properties's supportive culture,” shares Mike. “I held nothing back and decided to make the switch.” That was in October 2019.
What has never changed is Mike's business philosophy, which focuses on playing the long game and prioritizing client satisfaction. By consistently delivering exceptional service, he ensures clients remember him and come back for their next real estate transaction. Always seeking reasonable solutions for all parties involved, he never allows petty issues to derail progress.
He adds, “I am often advised to narrow my focus to clients most likely to engage in business soon. However, I truly believe in supporting all my clients equally.” Mike recognizes clients’ potential for success, even when others may not, and genuinely nurtures these relationships to create a supportive network that benefits everyone involved.
“I find it so rewarding to interact with people from diverse backgrounds,” notes Mike. “This exposure enriches my experience and broadens my perspective.”
Thanks to Mike’s background, he understands the value of adaptability in both life and business. When faced with changes, he proactively seeks to understand the situation and how it may unfold, and remains optimistic that things will work out. With his business currently split fifty-fifty between buying and selling, he actively anticipates upcoming market shifts and aims to address them head-on.
Family plays a central role in the life of this thirty-two-year Glencoe resident who cherishes living in the same ranch home he’s always had. Mike met his wife, Barbara, serendipitously at the Vic Theater in Chicago when one of her friends brought them together on the dance floor. Love blossomed from their very first encounter, and they've shared a life of adventure ever since. They are the proud parents of two grown children: a son, who is soon to be married, and a daughter, who is a teacher. All live close by to each other and enjoy frequent family gatherings that include Mike’s eighty-nine-year-old mother.
When his children were younger, making the most of his outdoor equipment business, the family enjoyed annual camping trips to Devil's Lake State Park in Wisconsin. Mike laughs as he reflects, “I often consider how in the early years I was selling portable homes (e.g., tents), and how that has evolved to my selling more permanent homes. It’s all rather symbolic.”
Along with his business philosophy and approach, Mike credits much of his success to seeking mentorship from established REALTORS® and absorbing their best practices. “I encourage aspiring agents to follow a similar path, emphasizing the importance of developing a deep knowledge of the market and anticipating upcoming listings,” shares Mike.
As to building the next thing, Mike now seeks to strike a balance between maintaining his accomplishments and carving out time to appreciate all the treasures in his life. Despite his self-confessed tendency to become consumed by work, Mike desires to live more fully in the present moment while building upon his integrity-driven success.
1 @properties award listing not publicly accessible at time of publication; “Top 5% by Residential Sales Volume|North Shore,” and “Top 5% of Residential Units Sold|North Shore,” NSBAR, accessed June 10, 2024, https://www.nsbar.org/recognition/2023/top-5-residential-sales-volume-northshore, and https://www.nsbar.org/recognition/2023/top-5-residential-sold-northshore, respectively.