Matthew Messel Welcomes Eli:
A New Chapter in the Messel Household

Matthew Messel and his family recently celebrated a joyous addition to their family: their fourth son, Eli Stephen Messel, was born on June 24, 2024, weighing a healthy 8 lbs. They chose the name “Eli” because it’s long been a favorite of Matthew’s wife, Anna, while the child’s middle name, Stephen, is a heartfelt tribute to Matthew's father.
The birth took place at Lutheran General in Park Ridge, and marked a significant, albeit challenging, moment for the family. Although this wasn’t the couple’s first time around the block, unlike their previous three labors, the epidural was slow to take effect, leaving Anna to face a more painful delivery than expected.
Matthew, a seasoned REALTOR® with Compass, has been navigating the joys and demands of fatherhood alongside his thriving career for some time now. So, the expected arrival of Eli didn’t really slow him down much.
“Having a baby on the way didn’t really impact my day-to-day,” Matthew confesses. “With this being our fourth, we really knew what to expect. Plus, Anna really takes the lead at home and does the heavy lifting with the kids. I am beyond blessed to have such amazing wife and mother of our children.”
Although Matthew didn’t have much to do to prepare for Eli’s arrival, now that the little one is here, he has been focusing on being more efficient with his time so that he can spend more time at home with Anna and the kids.
“The mornings are really the best time for me to help Anna set the tone for the day,” Matthew shares.
The Messel home is a bustling hub of activity, with their sons—Owen (5), Connor (4), Isaac (2), and now Eli—immersing themselves in sports and a lot of outdoor activities. “We spend a lot of time outside [with them], whether it is in the garden, or when they are driving around on their power wheels or dirt bikes, or playing golf,” Matthew notes.
The three older boys can most often be found in the backyard playing golf. Owen and Connor also love to play tennis and compete with their swim team. Matthew and Anna recently took Owen and Connor to their first Cubs vs. Cardinals game last week—a heated event for the competitive Messel family.
“We have a family rivalry with Anna being from St. Louis,” Matthew says with a smirk. “We have had a lot of fun with it over the years.”
For other busy real estate professionals with a baby on the way, Matthew offers a piece of advice: cherish the excitement and maintain open communication with your spouse. The balance of business, partnership, and parenting might be a challenging juggle, but with a strong support system and clear priorities, it's undoubtedly rewarding.
“It’s difficult to make time for your business, spouse, and kids, but make sure you have the priorities in the right order. It is a fun and exciting time, and though it may not always be easy, if mom and dad are on the same page, you will be able to make it work. After all, we couldn’t do what we do without our support systems!”