A Night of REST Gala

The REST Board of Directors is passionate about supporting this cause.

You may already know that Seattle Real Producers magazine supports organizations that help stop human trafficking. A percentage of every ad sale in this magazine gets donated to various nonprofits chosen by our umbrella publishing house, The N2 Company. (For more information, visit N2gives.com.) In addition to that, we also like to highlight local nonprofits that are doing this important work. Without further ado, we'd like to introduce you to REST...
In the early days of REST, a local nonprofit providing services for survivors of sex trafficking, a small group of women set out with one aim in mind: build relationships with people being trafficked in the sex industry and show up when they asked for help. They were committed to helping find or build the resources needed for each brave soul who stepped forward to exit the sex trade and heal from (likely) years of trauma. For 13 years they have been building and expanding services so that anyone who wants to escape a trafficker or exit the sex trade has what they need to find their pathway to freedom, safety, and hope. 

Everyone’s path of recovery from trafficking is unique and each survivor brings their own unique strengths, needs, culture, and dreams. All of them are celebrated at REST, where a powerful underlying belief fuels their work - that everyone is worthy of love and deserves a life without exploitation.

Meet Cheryl
Cheryl was 14 when she ran away from an abusive foster home and met a charming older guy. He promised he would take care of her and made her feel special. She thought she found her safe place with him. Soon he asked her to help pay the bills by having sex with other men. She hated it, but afraid of losing her place to live, agreed. For the next five years, Cheryl was trafficked up and down the I-5 corridor from Seattle to Los Angeles, and back. She was 19 when she got a random text message from someone at REST: “Hey, I used to be in the sex trade and now I work at a place that offers housing and can help you get a job if you want to do something different.” Cheryl was used to sex buyers texting her to set up dates. This was surprising.

About a month later, Cheryl hadn’t made enough money to satisfy her trafficker and he assaulted her. She immediately thought about that message from REST and decided she would reach out as soon as he was gone. The next day she had her chance, she texted a response: “My pimp just left, I have a few hours, can someone help me?” Within those few hours, someone from REST helped her get to safety in REST’s Emergency Receiving Center shelter, where she began her journey out of the sex trade. She was connected with an advocate, attended REST’s survivor support group and signed up for therapy. The journey wasn’t easy, but Cheryl found her true safe place at REST and was determined to build a life for herself outside of the sex trade. Today, Cheryl lives in her own apartment, has a full-time job she loves, and continues to recover from years of trauma with her therapist's help. 

Make a Difference
Cheryl is just one of the thousands of survivors who engaged with REST to find their path out of the sex trade. In fact, REST serves over 600 people a year. You can help ensure that every person who reaches out for help can find their path out. So mark your calendars, this is an event you won't want to miss. 

A Night of REST Gala

When: Saturday, September 30th
5:30 p.m. | Drinks, appetizers, silent auction
6:30 p.m. | Dinner, live auction, and program

Where: Sheraton Grand in downtown Seattle

Details: Hear from survivors, learn more about REST, and expand pathways to freedom, safety, and hope for survivors of sex trafficking. Scan the QR code for more information and to purchase tickets, or reach out to Engagement Manager, Lisa O'Dell by emailing: lisa@iwantrest.com