FAQ About Real Producers

Real Producers magazine started in Indianapolis in 2015 and is now in over 100 markets across the nation and spreading rapidly. Seattle Real Producers launched in August 2019. Name a large city, and we are there or will be soon! In every market, we take the top 500 agents, based on the MLS production, and build an exclusive magazine around those agents. We share their stories, successes, market trends, upcoming events — really, anything that will connect, inform and inspire, we put in the monthly publication. We strive to inform and inspire the top-producing real estate agents in the local market and connect them socially. The secondary focus is to provide an avenue for our affiliate partners to create relationships with these top performers on a level that they might not be able to achieve on their own.

Q: Who receives Seattle Real Producers magazine? 
A: The top 500 agents in King and Snohomish counties. The list will reset at the end of every year and will continue to update annually. 

Q: What is the process for being featured in this magazine? 
A: It’s really simple — every feature you see has first been nominated. You can nominate other REALTORS®, affiliates, brokers, owners or even yourself! Office leaders can also nominate REALTORS®. We will consider anyone brought to our attention who is in the top 500 because we don’t know everyone’s story, so we need your help to learn about them. It could be they have an amazing story that needs to be told — perhaps they overcame extreme obstacles, they are an exceptional leader, have the best customer service, they give back to the community in a big way, etc. The next step is an interview with us to ensure it’s a good fit. If it all works out, then we put the wheels in motion for our writer to conduct an interview to write the article and for our photographers to schedule a photo shoot.

Q: What does it cost a REALTOR®/team to be featured?
A: Zero, zilch, zippo, nada, nil. It costs nothing, my friends, so nominate away! We are not a pay-to-play model. We share real stories of real producers. Our goal is to showcase the best and brightest and to collaborate. Elevate. Inspire.