Pyramid Roofing

Pyramid Roofing has been in business since 1992 and in Springfield for over 20 years. As a locally owned company, Pyramid specializes in roofing and gutters. And, according to the Springfield office’s General Manager Josh Cyboron, “We can help people do pretty much anything on the exterior of their house.”

Josh has been a contractor for over 20 years and was excited to bring his family to the Ozarks to pursue new business opportunities. “I was the Chief Sales Officer for a large, family-owned, commercial landscape company in Denver for 16 years,” says Cyboron. “That company was in business for over 40 years and sold in 2021. When I decided to relocate my family of 10 to Missouri, I wanted to find a company that needed my help to grow and also aligned with my values. Pyramid was a perfect opportunity for me to help a wonderful company grow in Springfield and to go above and beyond to make the customer experience great.”

Determining if a property’s roof is in good condition or assessing damage can be intimidating for owners. But Josh and his team’s expertise help educate customers on their roofing needs. “Our goal is to remove the fear and risk for our customers,” says Josh. “We don't knock on doors and send out hordes of canvassers. We rely on referrals from former customers, insurance agents, and real estate agents. We show up invited and will provide all of the information for the homeowner to make the best decision for them.”  

Pyramid also works extensively with real estate agents throughout the Springfield area. “We have multiple real estate agents that have us do pre-inspections on properties that are about to go on the market. They want to know if there is going to be a potential issue with the roof that will blow up the deal during the inspection process. We also do inspections for buyers who want to know what condition the roof is in before they close on a property. Additionally, and most frequently, we are assessing roofs that have been mentioned in an inspector's report,” says Josh. “We do a lot of replacements as part of real estate transactions. Since we don't require a deposit, we can usually replace a roof and wait until closing to receive payment. This makes it a little easier for agents to get deals to the closing table if there is a roof involved.”  

Building customer relationships is a priority for Josh, and over the years, many of his customers have come to be friends. “I care deeply about the overall outcome for my clients. I spend most of the time talking about stuff other than the roof when I go on an inspection because a lot of things that impact the decision on what to do with the roof don't involve the roof at all,” he says. “It might sound odd to say this, but I find that a lot of people are lonely,” Cyboron shares. “We have a world of information at our fingertips but don't have the same level of human interaction that we had 20,30, 50 years ago. I'm unwilling to give that up, so I run long on most of my inspections because I'll stay and listen to someone who needs to be heard. I also share stories of my own because I suppose maybe I need more human interaction too.”  

When looking to the future of Pyramid Roofing, Josh continues to focus on building a team of solid, dedicated people. “I'm always hiring, but I am very deliberate about who we bring into the culture,” says Josh. “I want people in the right seat on the organizational bus, but more importantly, I want them to love what they do and be happy. If we have happy, productive people, we're going to win and our customers are going to win, too.”

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