Natalia Moskalenko

eXp Realty

There are a lot of options, choices and moving parts in this business. But at the end of the day, one of the most meaningful aspects of your work is helping your clients on to the next stage in their journey.

That’s a prime part of what motivates Natalia Moskalenko in her role.

As a real estate agent with eXp Realty, Natalia meets her clients—and their needs—where they are.

“What I love the most is understanding our role… working with people and making a difference in their lives,” Natalia emphasizes. 

“You need to help people where they are at. I never looked at my check … It’s about being there for the people who trust you.”

Planning Ahead
While Natalia earned her real estate license in 2018, real estate had been on her radar before that.

“I was thinking about real estate, but had younger children,” she remembers. “I knew that this business requires a lot of effort and time, so I wanted to wait to start my journey in the business until they got older and a little more independent.”

As her children grew, it was time. Natalia began her journey in the business. She experienced the normal nerves and challenges that come upon entering the industry.

“I remember that when I arrived for my first showing, my hands were shaking because I was nervous,” she remembers. “But I never gave up.”

Supporting Success
One of the huge advantages that she received during those early days was the small brokerage where she began.

“That really helped me a lot in learning the business,” she says. “And that continues. I believe that the learning process will go on through my entire career.”

Today she works with the Slavic people, including those who have moved from Ukraine to the U.S. In turn, she is powered by a strong passion for her work.

Family Foundation
Family is at the heart of life for Natalia. She looks forward to time spent with her husband Viktor, and their children—Natalia, Jessica and Samuel.

“Viktor has supported me a lot through the process,” she says with a smile. 

“He has always been there for me 100%. I’m so thankful for my family. In this work, you need to sacrifice a lot of your time. Some weekends I’m with my clients helping them find a home and my family never complains. They are very patient with me and proud of what I do.”

Together, the family likes to travel and spend time together outdoors.

Helpful Advice
As she considers her own career, Natalia shares helpful advice with those who are thinking about getting into real estate and starting their own careers in the business.

“The most important thing is to be available 24/7. When you’re an agent, you make a difference in the lives of your clients. Try to understand their needs beyond the commission,” she says. 

“Also, when a buyer or seller works with you, remember that they chose to work with you rather than hundreds of others. Dedicate your time and knowledge to educate your clients and show your professionalism. Plus, when you are working with another agent, understand and respect the other agent, as well.”

When you talk with Natalia it’s easy to see the true sense of dedication and pride she has in her role.

“One of the greatest feelings in all of this is when you receive referrals from people who you have helped in the past,” she says.

Congratulations to Natalia for holding nothing back and committing herself to the needs of those she serves. And it all begins with a willingness for meeting the need wherever it exists and coming up with solutions that move people to the next chapter in their lives.