Ryan Kell

Gateway Real Estate

It can be easy to focus on all of the to-do list items and the elements that we see in real estate each day. To be sure, those items are important. But there’s clearly more to it than that.

True Purpose
In a business that sometimes seems to be ruled by deadlines, paperwork and requirements, there still is no substitute for the value of faith, commitment and leadership—human qualities that make all the difference.

Ryan Kell is one who puts those qualities to work in the world around him as Broker of Gateway Real Estate.

When you talk with Ryan, it’s easy to see that he is a man that likes to let his actions speak for him. Truly, he takes a selfless approach to making good things happen. 

“I think the thing I enjoy the most about being in this business is problem-solving and helping people,” he says. “My drive in what I do each day is to glorify God.”

Getting His Start
Ryan grew up around the business, with members of his family involved in building homes. He remembers how real estate came to the surface for him during college at MSU.

“That’s when I took a real estate course,” Ryan says. “I remember running a scenario where I saw the way an investment property could pay for itself. That was intriguing to me. I decided to go in that direction and I earned my license.”

That was April 1999. He dove in, completed his classes and earned his Broker’s license, as well.

Pulling Together
Three years ago Ryan founded Gateway Real Estate and operates it with his business partner, Joy Bray. Ryan focuses on the logistical and management side of the business, while Joy is involved with other aspects, including the marketing side of the brokerage.

Gateway Real Estate features a team of around 25 professional agents. Ryan smiles with pride when he talks about the group.

“All of us operate as a team. We don’t have specific specialties,” he says. 

“We start out as a group effort and follow the whole process as a group.”

Family Fulfillment
Ryan’s world is made even more rewarding by family. He cherishes his wife of 21 years, Johanna.

Ryan and Johanna have four children—18-year-old son, Carter; 15-year-old twins, Max and Olivia; and 8-year-old daughter, Lucy.

In his free time, Ryan enjoys time in the shop—working on his hot rod restoration project. He and his family also look forward to time spent together at the lake.

When it comes to supporting the needs of the community, Ryan has a big place in his heart for the Care to Learn organization.

Guiding Success
Ryan looks to the future with a sense of purpose. Part of that mission is supporting the needs of others who are getting their own start in real estate.

“When I talk with members of our team, one thing I remind them of is the fact that if you focus on your clients’ success, you can’t help but be successful,” Ryan says.

That’s the same level of dedication that Ryan commits to the needs of his team members. In turn, clients experience a truly positive difference.

“Our mission is to have them come away feeling that they had a positive experience,” Ryan emphasizes. 

“We want them to always feel like they have been heard, and that we have given them knowledge to help them work through their situation toward their goals.”

Ryan applies faith, commitment and leadership to his life and business. As a result, life is better for those around him.