Zhanna Spektor

Finding Purpose and Passion in Real Estate

After faithfully working at a law firm for 21 years as a research analyst, Zhanna Spektor got the surprise of her life being laid off at the end of 2020. Like many people experienced at the time, COVID-19 turned her life upside-down. Instead of being disheartened and discouraged, Zhanna decided to take classes to get her real estate license. Unknown to her, that decision would be life-changing. 

Interestingly enough, three months later in 2021, her former firm offered her her old position back. Instead, she decided to take a leap of faith and pursued a full-time real estate career and has never looked back. “As a homebuyer, I had a negative experience with a REALTOR®. Although it was unfavorable, it encouraged me to provide my clients with a positive experience based on service and going above and beyond,” she says.

If one major life event in 2021 wasn't enough, another major life event happened when her marriage of 25 years ended on her birthday. “I had a choice to make. I could either be a victim or rise above the grief and make the best possible life for myself. I chose the opportunities presented before me. I am right where I need to be," she says with a heart full of gratitude. Now every passing birthday is even more special, as it serves as a reminder of the progress and growth that she continues to make. “My friends are a true blessing and amaze me every day. During my darkest time, they rallied around me," she smiles. "My friends picked me up, stood beside me, and, to this day, continue to support me in ways my family never did." She once again is using her maiden name, Spektor.  

Rising in Real Estate 
Determined to overcome the odds, Zhanna never listened to naysayers or those who didn't believe in her and her ability to sell homes. She has gone “all-in” with real estate and has achieved a bright future.  

“My commitment and level of service to my clients are most important to me. I pride myself on always answering my phone and I go the extra mile to get the transaction done most smoothly and professionally." From the first call to the closing table, Zhanna navigates transactions with professionalism and a personal touch. She works as a REALTOR® with Long Realty Company and loves what she does. 

“I’m not going to fail at this,” she says. Each year since she started, Zhanna keeps selling more homes. Last year, she had 15 transactions and will surpass that total this year. She comments. "I am now exceeding my financial and personal goals and my life is so much more rewarding. I started to travel with my girlfriends and am looking forward to many more new adventures. I work hard, but I feel my purpose is to be of service and help people find their sanctuaries. I Iove it when deals work out for everyone and all sides are happy. The road was not easy. I had to rebuild, create, and establish a new normal, which included a brand-new career, a new business venture, and a new lifestyle,” she shares. “I no longer had the image of a wife, mother, and daughter. I learned who I truly was and that I have the strength and grit to succeed. Most of all, I am finally proud of myself and everything that I have accomplished. Those who no longer supported me stepped aside and the universe answered.” Through it all, she discovered her inner strength and resilience, emerging stronger and more determined than ever before. 

As Zhanna continues to thrive in her real estate career, she remains grounded by her core values of care, commitment, integrity, and honesty. "When the going gets tough, I never give up," she declares. "I am often asked by my colleagues, ‘What have you gotten yourself into now?’” It's a standing joke that the most challenging transactions find her. Her response is that she always manages to get every one successfully closed.
Outside Interests  
In her leisure hours, Zhanna finds joy in spending time with her supportive network of friends, with hobbies like playing games, dancing, and traveling. A true believer in the power of intention and gratitude, she journals nightly to express her thankfulness for life's blessings and set her sights on future aspirations. 
In moments of reflection, Zhanna finds solace in the presence of cardinals, believing them to be a symbol of reassurance from her deceased mother-in-law. "If you ever notice a cardinal in my social media posts, my cards, and decor, that is a nod to Lillian," she explains. "I know she is watching over me, and she is proud of what I have become." 
Forever A Dog Devotee
Zhanna also takes comfort in her furry friends. “While working from home during COVID, she adopted a dog, a Bichon Poodle, named Daisy.” About a year ago, a friend had an Aussie-Doodle, whom she wanted to re-home. Little did Zhanna know that the dog's name was Lilly Rose. When Zhanna heard the name Lilly, she knew it was a sign from above. Lilly’s downright adorable, as well as her other dog Daisy. With two dogs named after flowers, Zhanna’s friends tell her, “You always have a bouquet of flowers around you.” Her two dogs are her constant companions and bring happiness to her with their playful and sometimes naughty antics. 
Resilience + Optimism  
As Zhanna's story continues to unfold, her journey is proof of the power of resilience, determination, and unwavering optimism. With her sights set on the future, she embraces each new day with a sense of purpose and gratitude, inspiring those around her to do the same. She concludes, “Always seek joy and look for the positive in all situations.”