Avi Erbst

From Saving Lives to Saving Deals

Imagine transporting a heart attack patient down the elevator of a 12th-floor apartment building, only to hear the terrifying snap of a cable breaking. The elevator plunges six to seven stories before getting wedged between two walls. This harrowing experience didn't rattle Avi Erbst—instead, it showcased his extraordinary ability to stay calm under pressure, a skill he now brings to his real estate career with Cordova Realty.

Avi’s transition from an EMS professional in New York City to a broker in Tucson is inspiring. For a decade, from 2003 to 2013, Avi served in emergency medical services, navigating some of the most intense situations imaginable. One of the most challenging and defining moments of his EMS career was during Superstorm Sandy.

Superstorm Sandy struck the East Coast in October 2012, bringing unprecedented devastation. Floodwaters inundated New York City, crippling infrastructure and leaving many residents in perilous situations. As an operations manager, Avi was on the front lines, coordinating emergency responses amid chaos. "We had to remove patients from hospitals and nursing homes on ventilators because the water was rising so quickly," he recalls. "We were running 24/7 for a couple of weeks, managing EMS crews from multiple states who had come to assist us."

Avi was responsible for orchestrating the evacuation of over 900 people, including bed-bound and non-ambulatory patients. "It wasn't just a matter of evacuating them, but ensuring they continued to receive the medical services they needed," he explains.

This experience underscored Avi's exceptional leadership and crisis management skills, qualities that have seamlessly transitioned into his real estate career. In 2014, Avi and his wife, who is a native Tucsonan, decided that they wanted to raise their family out of the hustle and bustle of New York City to a smaller, more connected community. Laying their roots down in Tucson was an easy choice. A mid-sized city with a small-town mentality where their young family could be surrounded by family and friends. Avi made the shift to real estate, keeping his EMS licenses active and continuing to volunteer from his home in Tucson. "Whether it's EMS or real estate, my job is always to stay calm and reassuring in extremely tense moments," Avi explains. His calm demeanor and quick thinking, honed over years of emergency medical service, now help clients navigate the often stressful process of buying or selling a home.

One of Avi's most significant challenges was learning to manage his time and set boundaries. Initially, he found himself working around the clock, often at the expense of personal time. "Over the years, I have come to do a much better job of maintaining my schedule and having a more even work/life balance," he says.

Avi’s goals in real estate are centered around helping others and building a legacy. "My goal with real estate is not to just leave a legacy but live a legacy. Help those who need it, be there for those that matter, and provide for those I love," he shares.

Family, Fun, and Friends

Outside of work, Avi volunteers at his kids’ schools and coaching their little league baseball teams. He enjoys watching sports and spending time with his wife Gabby, and their three children, Alex (12), Caleb (10), and Asher (8). They also have two beloved pets, Morty (6) and Lily (8 months), who are “foster fails.” The family loves attending their children's sports games and hosting friends and family at their home.

In Tucson, Avi’s favorite spot is The Gaslight Theatre, a place that combines his love for comedy and live-action theater. "If you can combine the two, you have the perfect night out of entertainment and laughs," he enthuses.

In his free time, Avi continues to support and volunteer for the ambulance company back east, dispatching twice a week from Tucson. "It allows me to still be involved even though I am remote," he says. “People are calling in with hysteria and panic. I can keep them calm, cool, and collected and reassure them that help is on the way.”

A Life Saver

Avi Erbst continues to make a difference, whether saving lives or saving deals, with the same level of commitment and care. His responsiveness, readiness, and calmness under pressure have made him a natural in the competitive world of real estate. He can’t imagine a more fulfilling career.