Carmen Calvillo

Defying the Odds

Carmen wearing her jersey for colon cancer awareness.

“Adversity is God’s way of getting your attention,” says REALTOR® Carmen Calvillo. “My husband was diagnosed 18 months ago with Stage 4 colon cancer. It’s been quite a rollercoaster over the past 2 years.”
Six weeks ago, she learned that the chemo treatments were no longer working. Instead of giving up hope, she turned to the power of prayer. Carmen's unwavering faith in God has been her guiding light.
Carmen and her husband Lew are part of the leadership at Redeemed Life Bible Church (RLBC), where they find solace, support, and strength in their community. "It's going to be okay, everybody," Carmen reassures others, drawing upon her faith to weather the storm.
The church Pastor and Elders came to their home and prayed for Lew recently when he was feeling very sick. “The next day he was back to his normal self,” says Carmen. Despite the challenges they face, Carmen and her husband refuse to succumb to despair. They choose to capitalize on the good days, finding joy in life's simple pleasures and cherishing each moment together.
Throughout their journey, Carmen has maintained an unwavering commitment to positivity and celebration. “We try to laugh about things,” she comments. On April 27, they celebrated their 6-year wedding anniversary, bumping it up from the original date of May 12.
“We partied like it was our 25th wedding anniversary,” says Carmen. She and Lew celebrated with 100 of their closest friends and family for a night of dinner, drinks, music, cake, and more. They dressed to impress for this special occasion, eager to commemorate this special milestone in life.
“It’s been quite a journey,” shares Carmen. She rejoices in the fact that people can’t tell that Lew is sick. He is currently in palliative care, resting most of the day, and savoring life’s sweet moments.
“People ask me, ‘How are you not a disaster?’” says Carmen. “We have been at peace. We are as ready as we can be. There’s a reason we don’t know our death date. People would be living in fear until that time comes.” Instead, she lives life with passion and purpose, recognizing God’s hand at work in her life.
“I’ve always been go, go, go person,” says Carmen. “When life happens and things are thrown at you, it’s God’s way of saying it’s time to slow down. I’ve been working through Lew’s terminal illness and have still been able to be there for clients.” She works with the Stratton Group and loves her team.
Although it’s been a challenging year, Carmen is grateful that her business has been doing well, “I’ve been maintaining business at a high level this year so far,” she says. Currently, she has over 12.5 million dollars in sales with more in the pipeline.
Road to Real Estate
Carmen worked as a property manager for over 20 years before transitioning to real estate. She comments, “For 2 years in a row, I was denied a raise. I was a single mom and had raised three boys. I needed to make some extra money.” When her request was denied, Carmen wasn’t going to take no for an answer.
Instead of being discouraged and defeated, she decided to use her determination to launch into real estate. “I had decided to work part-time in real estate to get ahead,” she says. Carmen got her license in May 2015. “I wasn’t allowed to do it along with my full-time job so I terminated my employment and took a leap of faith.”
In 2018, she went full-time into real estate. “That’s when everything took off,” she smiles. She loves that there is no ceiling in real estate. “You can make as much or as little as you want.”
Real estate gives her purpose and meaning. “It makes me so happy to see people have a new home,” she says. Carmen loves having a positive impact on others and their families, helping them reach their real estate goals and dreams. 
A Renewed Purpose
Although her original purpose was to make money in real estate, that has since changed for Carmen. “I focus on my clients and put their needs first,” she says. “I bring them value above all else.”
She has a heart for helping others, especially by riding her bike for Tu Nidito Children and Family Resource Center. “I’ve been riding in the El Tour De Tucson since 2014,” she explains. Every ounce of effort is worth it, especially as she comes alongside children and families who are grieving the loss of their parents or a family member.
“I even designed a colon cancer awareness jersey,” she beams with pride. Bringing awareness to this malady is a cause near and dear to her heart.
Family + Fun
When not working, it’s all about family to Carmen. She has three sons, Domingo and Michael Martinez and Jorge Calvillo. She also has a daughter-in-law, Jamie Martinez, and is blessed with two granddaughters, Leilanie and Charlotte Martinez. 
As a family, time together is always well spent. “We enjoy family dinners, going to church, taking family vacations, occasional movies, and when Lew is feeling well, motorcycle trips,” says Carmen. She lives life with purpose and passion, taking time to relax and recharge from the hustle and bustle of real estate.
A Blessed Life
When Carmen looks back over her career and life, she lives life with courage. She says, “Show courage in the face of adversity. Never give up; be resilient.” These beliefs have served her well in life as she has learned to defy the odds.  
As Carmen continues to navigate life's twists and turns, she is a beacon of hope and inspiration for all who encounter her story. In the words of Carmen herself, "We wouldn't be where we are without the prayers of friends and family. We are truly blessed."
In her tireless pursuit of making a positive impact on others' lives, Carmen leaves a legacy of the transformative power of faith, love, and unwavering determination.