Nikki Chavez
Reaching the Dream

Hopes for the future are important. There’s no doubt about that.
They are the fuel to move life along to the next chapter. But hopes that aren’t accompanied by action remain as dreams.
For clients who are looking to buy their first home or sell their family home, their dreams become reality with your efforts.
Spark to Make a Difference
Nikki Chavez is driven to put her talents to work on behalf of others.
As a REALTOR® with KW Signature Partners, Nikki is totally committed to helping her clients reach their dreams.
“I really enjoy meeting my clients, talking with them and helping them through all of the steps. I truly enjoy helping people find the right houses,” Nikki says.
“The market has been very challenging. But I appreciate that, in the end, clients end up with the house that was meant for them.”
Finding Her Passion
Nikki was born and raised in Wichita, and graduated from East High in 1999.
After high school, she went on to Kansas University for her first year and a half of college, before returning to Wichita and finishing out her Biology degree at Newman University.
“After graduation, I went to work for the environmental health and safety consulting business that my mom and step dad had,” Nikki recalls. “I ended up being there for 15 years.”
Opening New Doors
Eventually, Nikki made the decision to branch into a new profession. She had owned rental properties since she had been 20 years old.
In time, she talked with a couple friends in real estate and thought she would try real estate.
“I got my license in 2018 and worked both jobs while I got my feet wet,” she says. “I left my other job in 2019 and went full-time in real estate.”
Right from the Start
Like many who enter the business, Nikki faced a time of transition in the business.
“It was a challenge. At first I was working my other full-time job and then getting my name out. It is very much a referral business … getting my name out and letting people know that’s what I was doing,” Nikki says.
“After a couple years, it picked up quite a bit. I was an individual agent for the first eight months and then joined a team. I was with the team for about a year and a half. In time, I left the team and Signature Partners for a year and then came back. I’m an individual agent now and have been back for a little over a year and a half.”
Nikki has steadily built on her track record of achievement through time.
In fact, in 2022, she recorded around $8.4 million in sales volume.
Wonderful Life
Nikki’s world is made much richer by her family, including her husband, Ben and their children.
Away from work, Nikki has always had a passion for soccer. She played it growing up, in college and still is involved today. She also loves traveling, spending time with her children and supporting them in their activities.
As Nikki thinks about her growth that she has experienced in real estate through time, she offers helpful advice for others who are looking to take their own steps ahead in the business.
“I think one of the most important things that a new person in the business can do is to put together a database of contacts,” Nikki says.
“Also it’s important to get over your fear of ‘bothering people’ about real estate. Try not to let that fear talk you out of the things you want or need to do.”
With her friendly, knowledgeable and helpful approach to life and business, Nikki clearly brings a personable gift to her work.
In turn, having the ability to listen to her clients, understand their needs and develop solutions that help them make their way forward.
Congratulations to Nikki Chavez for everything she does to help others reach their dreams.