7 Tips to Finding a Stager that Can Make You Money

Make sure the stager you’re evaluating will make your listing look great, help it sell fast, and make you look awesome to your clients.
How to Pick a Revenue-Producing Staging Company
Not all staging companies are created equal. If you put your neck out on the line to recommend a staging company, they better be able to back it up, right?
Here are seven ways to make sure the stager you’re evaluating will make your listing look great, help it sell fast, and make you look awesome to your clients.
7 Must-Have Qualities in a Staging Company
1. Experience
Ask: “How many homes have you staged?”
The Answer You’re Looking For: “100 or more”
A seasoned pro will get your listing sold faster than someone who is just starting out in the business. They will be more expensive, but worth every penny you (or your client) invest. The pro has learned from mistakes along the way that the newbie just hasn’t experienced yet. These mistakes can end up costing you a sale or even a client in the long run.
2. Specialization
Ask: “Do you specialize in vacant or occupied properties?”
The Answer You’re Looking For: “We stage_________.”
The best professionals specialize. It’s no different with staging. What types of homes does the stager specialize in? Does it line up with your needs for this listing? Some stagers only stage vacant (or partially vacant) homes or only occupied properties. Find out their specialty and see if it matches your needs.
3. Available Inventory
Ask: “Do your furnishings match the look of this particular home and appeal to the target buyer?”
The Answer You’re Looking For: “Yes.”
You want to make sure the stager has the furnishings to do the job right. There’s more to staging a property than just putting furniture in it. It has to be the right furnishings that appeal to the property’s target buyer. If you’ve listed a loft in The Gulch and the stager only stages luxury homes in Williamson County, their furnishings won’t be appropriate for the buyers you want to attract.
4. Portfolio
Ask: "I like the photos on your website – is this all your work?”
The Answer You’re Looking For: “Yes, absolutely!”
Review photos of the stager’s work on their website. You’re looking for a variety of inventory so every photo doesn’t look the same and also the results they achieved. Be wary of stock photos. Some stagers use stock photography on their website and other marketing material giving the impression that it’s their work. Ask about particular photos you see. They should be able to tell you about the house, who the target buyer was, and the results.
5. Referrals
Ask: “What agents have you worked with?”
The Answer You’re Looking For: “The best...here’s a list…CALL THEM.”
Ask around about the stager. Can they provide testimonials from agents they’ve worked with? You want them to be eager for you to call other agents for their feedback.
6. Timeline
Ask: “How long is this going to take?”
The Answer You’re Looking For: “We can have it staged in 10 days or less.”
Depending upon the time of year, a stager should be able to stage your listing within seven to 10 days. Installation of most properties should take one day while larger estates usually take approximately two full days to properly stage.
7. Marketing
Ask: “How do you promote the properties you stage?”
The Answer You’re Looking For: “We offer these additional marketing services to promote your listing…"
You and your stager are a team with one common goal: getting your listing sold quickly for maximum value. The best stagers can promote your listing and drive potential buyers to the property. (Examples include providing professional photography, promoting to their database, social media, and event promotion.) The more eyeballs you can get on your listing, the better. So work with a stager that can drive traffic to your listing and get buyers through the door.
Anthea Click is the founder and president of FP Staging and Design, a luxury vacant home staging company in Nashville, TN. As the exclusive stager to many of the top producing agents in the Nashville area, she has also received numerous awards for her work including: Fixr Top 200 Home Design Influencers of 2017, 2019, 2021 and named the Top 10 Luxury Vacant Stager in 2019 by the Real Estate Staging Association. She teaches the continuing education class, “Staging to Sell: What Every Agent Should Know” and is the 2021 President of the Greater Nashville Real Estate Staging Association.
This article, written by Anthea Click, originally appeared in the March 2021 issue of Nashville Real Producers. Follow them on Instagram and Facebook.