HOW Many Vs. WHO Many: The Real Producers Difference

Sticker for RP in front of a crowd of top agents

Is more always merrier? When considering the number of people you advertise to – and the budget required to reach the masses – it’s a no from us every time.

Casting a wide net, while an option for select brands with big budgets, is inefficient for most businesses looking to build awareness and meaningful relationships with the people who may realistically become customers or referral partners. There’s a more strategic approach to reaching the right clientele and keeping marketing costs affordable. All it takes is a shift in mindset from the quantity to the quality of people you reach; from considering how many to who many.

Group of top agents at an NAR event

Every marketer worth their salt will know the specific demographics, interests, and behaviors of their ideal customers. They recognize the power and effectiveness of reaching the right audience with the right message. When businesses can pinpoint the most relevant audience for their products or services, this precision allows them to create a personalized message that resonates with consumers on a deeper level. No one-size-fits-all advertising here.

Unfortunately, there are still business owners who expect maximum exposure from their marketing team, steadfastly believing reaching the most eyeballs possible is the best strategy. We’re here to remind these leaders that your marketing experts know better. They know a how many mindset is wasteful and inefficient. They know that not everyone who sees a generic ad will be interested in your product or service. Trust the marketers!

Consider this analogy: Imagine you own a local cleaning company that is accepting new clients. Rather than paying for a generic billboard on a busy highway or a television spot on the local news station, you choose to advertise in a niche magazine that goes to your area’s best real estate agents – your ideal referral partners. While the magazine's readership might be considerably smaller compared to the highway's traffic or the channel’s viewership, it consists of individuals who are seen as a go-to resource for new homeowners for trustworthy local service provider recommendations. The likelihood of these readers leading to new customers is higher, making your advertising efforts more effective.

Top agent showing off her coverFeatured agent showing off his article

Now substitute the local cleaning service in this scenario with your own business. From landscaping and HVAC to car dealerships and dry cleaning, the same line of thinking applies.

Real Producers helps great businesses connect with ideal clients – your community’s top real estate agents.

Thousands of advertisers partner with Real Producers because they understand the value of consistently reaching our otherwise hard-to-reach readers. While other forms of advertising can easily cost tens of thousands of dollars for a few months’ worth of exposure, our advertising program (which not only includes print advertising in a high-quality magazine but invites to exclusive, well-attended events) comes in at a fraction of the cost.  Pair this with our digital marketing services and clients successfully reach their target audience via print and online.