It's Time to Celebrate National Homeownership Month

Image with silhouette of homes

Meredith Jones, publisher of Birmingham Real Producers, celebrates National Homeownership Month in her June 2024 Publisher's Note.

In the fabric of American history, few things have been as pivotal as the evolution of homeownership. From the signing of the Homestead Act by Abraham Lincoln, granting the head of each household the right to a slice of America, to the momentous shift in the 1950s when more Americans owned their homes than not, the quest for homeownership has been not just a pursuit of shelter, but a relentless chase for the American dream.

Why We Celebrate

National Homeownership Week began in 1995, which was a strategy of the administration under President Bill Clinton to increase homeownership across America. Later, in 2002, President George W. Bush expanded the period of observance from a week to the entire month of June. National Homeownership Month reinforces the belief that owning a home is one of the steps towards achieving the American dream.

REALTORS® are central to the celebration of homeownership, and this month is an opportunity to educate, appreciate, and inspire your past, present and future clients.

Ways to celebrate homeownership:
  1. Organize a housing forum (virtually or in-person) to bring together the public and housing experts to talk about the state of housing in your locality.
  2. Get involved in your community. There are organizations that help people accomplish the dream of homeownership, and they are always looking for assistance. Look up local area charities and participate in a community service project in honor of National Homeownership Month.
  3. Get the community involved by organizing or participating in a community service project. Help build a shelter, host a donation venture, repair a playground, and carry out other similar acts that benefit your community.

How will you celebrate National Homeownership Month and help others realize their American Dream?