Jessie Wright

Jessie’s name is associated with connecting her real estate community – no small feat for a territory of her size. And it’s clear to see her name is setting her up for even bigger adventures to come, and more impressive goals to reach.
“Go make a name for yourself.”
This phrase has followed Jessie Wright since childhood. It’s what her dad would call out to her every time she left the house.
Because this calling has been so deeply imprinted in her mind over the years, it’s become her mission, guiding every venture and aspect of life. In a way, making a name for herself – Jessie Wright – has become a gauge for the way she deals with life’s twists and turns. This phrase helps her decide which avenues to embark on, difficulties to push through, and ways to help others.
In 2017, Jessie decided to give Real Producers a try after watching friends and previous work colleagues find success with the product. The magazine, and the RP program as a whole, was still very new and had kinks to resolve, but she believed it could work. So much so, she moved from Boston, Massachusetts, to San Diego, California, for a coveted territory. Between culture shock and brand new business owner shock, her first nine months were fairly difficult. When asked why she didn’t just give up and return to her old life, she said it all comes back to her dad’s message.
“I didn't understand what I was doing, but I knew I couldn’t quit,” Jessie said. “And it finally hit me in the head – ‘You can’t quit because dad always said to GO MAKE A NAME FOR YOURSELF, and you haven’t made a name for yourself yet.’ So something switched by that time and I knew I could [do it].”
Ambitions? She’s got ‘em. Besides hitting her profit goals, she’s also gearing up to hire staff. Jessie’s at the point in her business where she’s beginning to realize the need for someone else to organize the administrative side so she can devote her time completely to earning more profit. But financial aspirations do not end for Jessie at Real Producers: She and her boyfriend bought a house in the San Diego area, made it their home, and they also host through Airbnb.
Despite juggling her RP business with her side hustle, Jessie is determined to continue making self-care a priority in her daily life. A big proponent of The Miracle Morning – you may remember this from Kristin Brindley’s blog feature in which she lists this as one of her favorite books! – Jessie dedicates the first moments of every day to personal growth through reading, journaling, working out, and meditating.
Jessie looks like her mom but acts like her dad – “the best of both worlds,” as she jokingly said. She has them both to thank for her name. It’s one that is already synonymous with dedication and hard work. Her name is associated with connecting her real estate community – no small feat for a territory of her size. And it’s clear to see her name is setting her up for even bigger adventures to come, and more impressive goals to reach.
Check out this excerpt from Jessie’s publisher’s note for the May 2020 issue of San Diego Real Producers below:
San Diego Real Producers is about many things. Our main goals are to build community and connect great real estate agents and partners. One of our other goals is to be a beacon of vulnerability. We write feature articles not to brag about an individual or company, but to show the underbelly of success. To exhibit what drives people, what challenges there are, and what success really looks like. Vulnerability is at the core of our mission.
Here are some of my favorite quotes on vulnerability from renowned author and speaker Brené Brown.
“Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren't always comfortable, but they're never weakness.”
“Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it's having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. Vulnerability is not weakness; it's our greatest measure of courage.”
“People who wade into discomfort and vulnerability and tell the truth about their stories are the real badasses.”
Let’s get real. I’m tired of hearing the same guidance during shelter-in-place: stay home, complete the projects that you haven’t gotten to, meditate more, eat healthier, on and on. Let’s be real. This is a messy time.
This time is breaking us down, and I think that’s a good thing. This time is making us all more vulnerable, more authentic.
I’ve been working to keep real estate agents and partners connected, to continue making a difference in the community. But without human connection, at a minimum virtually, our inner fire could stop burning bright. Every day I rise, and I work to cultivate that fire, so I can be here for myself, and so I can be here for you.