Jordan Espeseth: A Real Pro(ducer) in Dallas, TX

It takes a special kind of determination to do something great in life when your road is littered with obstacles.
Robert F. Kennedy’s poignant advice, “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly,” is really inspirational in theory, but it takes a special kind of determination to do something great in life when your road is littered with obstacles.
This hard-to-find never-give-up mentality is how a semi-pro Snocross athlete from Minnesota with dreams of competing in Aspen at the Winter X Games ended up in Texas with his own real estate publication business.
Snocross consumed Jordan Espeseth’s life from age 3 to 17. He lived and breathed the sport until retiring just before his senior year of high school. Jordan then found himself committing to something else: higher education. But during his seven years of additional schooling, he wasn’t entirely sure what he wanted to come next. He completed half of a bachelor’s degree in nursing, received a bachelor’s in university studies from North Dakota State University, and earned a two-year physical therapy assistant degree at a technical school.
The best part (probably much to his parents’ chagrin): Jordan used his physical therapy degree for only seven months. Yep, seven years of college for seven months of applicable employment! Then... he started dabbling. He provided life coaching for a handful of clients and also helped his brother with his point of sales business before moving on to other opportunities.
Small World Connection
Along the way, Brett Martinsen came on Jordan’s radar. After meeting at a personal development seminar in 2016, they became fast friends and business partners, speaking at real estate events and conferences for a network marketing company. Jordan and Brett found themselves traveling from city to city, having a lot of fun and gaining experience (albeit getting quite tired of the Airbnb life). Toward the end of 2017, while at an event in Topeka, Kansas, Jordan met Dianne Collins. An Account Executive for Area Director Nick Najjar, she mentioned Real Producers.
At that point, Jordan was open to a new opportunity. After speaking more about the venture with Nick, as well as with Launch Director Remington Ramsey, he decided to give it a go. Jordan went to training in January 2018. While there, he ran into a familiar face: Gabe Chandler, AD of Cape Fear Real Producers, whom he had met at a real estate event the year before. Small world, right?
Something of Consequence
On February 6, 2018, Jordan spent his 28th birthday driving 17 hours south to Frisco, Texas, moving to the area where his publication would be based.
“It was a bit of a shock to the system. It took a few days to wrap my head around it, but I had a lot of faith. I loved so much what I was hearing about Real Producers and the opportunity that I knew I had to do it,” said Jordan.
Hopeful and excited, he was ready. Personally, though, there was a lot riding on this new endeavor. Jordan wanted something to boost his self-esteem and his confidence in his ability to excel at something that wasn’t just a stepping stone to the next gig.
“In a way, I felt like I’d failed with Snocross, college, physical therapy, and the other entrepreneurial endeavors,” Jordan admitted. “They were all great experiences, but when was I going to finally make it happen? It was a personal quest to prove to myself and others I could do something of consequence.”
When the first sale finally came, it still wasn’t quite a fairy tale from there. Jordan knew he was thoughtfully building his business and doing everything the right way, but it was a long road out of the woods. Unsurprisingly, though, in typical Jordan fashion, he made it through with hard work and dedication.
He credits the combination of a solid foundation laid for his publication and clients, timing, and two great leadership conferences he attended toward the end of 2018 for his breakthrough. He made a commitment to start waking up at 5:30am every single day regardless of what was on his agenda. And he hosted a launch party with more than 200 people in attendance – an overwhelming turnout where, for at least a moment, Jordan felt like a superstar. Within a 30-day period, he sold almost $8K in monthly contracts. Breakthrough achieved.
He eloquently remembered, “Everything came together in this beautiful moment.”
2020 And Beyond
Inevitably, 2020 was a crazy year for everyone. But it didn’t stop the DFW Metroplex from growing like crazy. It continued during 2020 and it has exploded even more in 2021. Like for many others in real estate markets around the country, there’s an inventory problem in DFW. It’s not uncommon to have 10+ offers on a home. Home prices have skyrocketed and people are buying homes site-unseen.
A lot changed for Jordan as well. In 2020, he ran one publication and continues to keep it strong. He then added on two more publications, Tarrant Real Producers (as a co-owner) and Dallas Real Producers in early 2021. He also took on two full-time staff members – not to mention the long list of added responsibilities of running multiple publications.
“We have weekly team meetings and it’s been a fun change compared to being the only full-time person in my business when I started out,” Jordan said.
DFW = Dallas For (the) Win
Real Producers is definitely becoming a household name for those in the Dallas real estate industry.
“Our agents and partners continually tell us there is so much value in connecting with other top producers and best businesses in the market.”
Jordan still hosts the typical, larger Real Producers events for which the brand is known. But this year he added smaller soirees every other month called “Magazine Celebration Events,” exclusively for those featured in the previous two issues of his magazines.
Excitedly, Jordan said, “They are a blast. We are also doing a black tie awards gala in November – a combined event for all three publications in DFW. We are calling it ‘The Remmy’s’ in honor of the OG who pioneered the Real Producers product, Remington Ramsey.”
“It’s an honor to have a platform connecting the best-of-the-best in our real estate market,” he continued. “When the right people connect, beautiful things happen not only in their personal and business lives but also the community.
“RP has been the greatest thing that has happened to me in my professional life and I am so incredibly grateful to be blessed with this opportunity.”