Pittsburgh Real Producer AD Finds A Cause Worth Fighting For

For Mike Maletich, the ability to travel means more than freedom and adventure; it means following his heart to help fight “the greatest injustice of our generation.”

If your work provided the flexibility and income to leave the country for two weeks, what would you do? Relax on a beach? Experience world-class skiing? Climb the Great Wall? For Mike Maletich, this ability to travel means more than freedom and adventure; it means following his heart to help fight “the greatest injustice of our generation.”

Seven years ago, around the time his daughter was born, Mike first heard of human trafficking and sex slavery. His world changed. And as the Area Director of Pittsburgh Real Producers – not to mention one of N2 Publishing’s most successful Area Directors – he’s in the unique position to do something about it.

He felt a calling to partner with Love Justice International (LJI), a ministry that works in places like Nepal, India, and South Africa to intercept victims before they’re sold and trafficked, and provides education to vulnerable children through the Dream School and children’s homes.

In October of 2017, Mike packed his bags and left the States – but not for a relaxing, beach-side vacation. He spent 13 days in Nepal with LJI’s Executive Director and his wife, Doug and Shirley Dworak, visiting the Dream School and children’s homes and meeting the American staff. Then, he visited the border – a moment he’ll never forget. Mike witnessed first-hand the ministry’s impactful work on the ground.

Love Justice staff are highly trained to notice signs of possible trafficking at the 30 transit monitoring stations they operate at important border crossings and hubs. When they pick up on something questionable, they initiate a conversation with the victim. A red flag during this initial conversation leads to isolating the victim from her trafficker (if present) for separate questioning. If this further reveals signs of intent, the victim’s family is contacted and, when warranted, law enforcement is called to deal with the trafficker. To date, LJI has intercepted 12,000 potential victims.

“Needless to say, it was a life-altering experience,” Mike said. “I am so passionate about the organization and, Lord willing, I hope to make this trip something I do every year.”

Mike’s hands-on work with Love Justice International isn’t the only way he’s contributing to the fight against human trafficking. A six-year veteran of N2 Publishing, the producer of Real Producers Magazines, he’s played a big role in helping to grow revenue year after year. And this directly affects N2’s fight against human trafficking.

As a company, N2 has committed 2% of annual revenue to nonprofits whose main goal is to end modern-day slavery. So, the hard work Real Producers Area Directors, like Mike, put in each day allows for the company to have a greater hand in the freeing and restoring of victims’ lives.

“I love what the company does through N2GIVES to fight this injustice,” Mike said. “I’m now more motivated to work to the best of my ability so that I might be able to give financially, and also give my time wherever it’s needed.”