Top Real Estate Lessons Learned from 2021

Central Arkansas Real Producers share their top lessons learned in 2021 to bring into the new year.
Given your status and expertise, what is some advice you would give the up-and-coming Real Producer?
"I would say to always be yourself. Don’t try to be someone you aren’t. Clients want honest and dependable REALTORS® on their side. Find a company that values you and works best for YOU. Don’t take things personally. You will have friends and acquaintances that won’t use you and that is okay. Most times it’s for the best. Go with your gut when it comes to being safe. Don’t show houses to clients who aren’t preapproved. Be the best communicator. And always, always, always, get things in writing. Market yourself. You have to get yourself out there. Talk to everyone you come in contact with about being a REALTOR®."
– Haley Ward, Truman Ball Real Estate
"Be kind. Be helpful when you can. Attitude is everything. Fake it until you make it. How you present yourself can directly reflect on your business. Don’t sweat the small stuff. If you act like the sky is constantly falling, then it will. Surround yourself with greatness. Surround yourself with people you can look up to and aspire to be like. Don’t surround yourself with people who are negative and not motivated to work. Because that will directly reflect on your business. Listen to senior agents in your firm. Take notes. Show up every day. It matters. Ask questions. Dress professionally. I’m not saying a suit, but yoga pants and sweats should not be a part of your office wardrobe. You must look the part. Walk-in clients do happen. You can meet a potential client anywhere. At the gas station, grocery store, post office, or they could actually come into your office needing help. And if you’re in pajamas, how do you expect those potential clients to take you seriously?"
– Megan Coultas, Porchlight Realty
"Work hard and never give up! Make sure to treat your clients like you would want to be treated. Always focus on what’s right for your clients and less on what’s best for your bank account. It might seem simple, but respect goes a long way. Be sure to answer your phone, communicate and treat every deal as if it were a $1,000,000 deal. I can’t tell you how many times a $50,000 or less deal turned into multiple deals due to referrals. I have watched my business grow so much on just referrals alone!"
– Joshua Hester, Century 21 Parker & Scroggins
“I’ve been in the business for seven years now and while every real estate coach would tell you many different steps to follow, I stick to just a few: Be personable, be real, be honest, be true to self – make those your brand!
Believe in yourself – the first couple of years are hard. When you feel like giving up, reach out to a seasoned agent. We have all been there. Get yourself a real estate mentor you like and trust. (I attribute much of my success to mine!)
Learn to think creatively, work smart, and how to really set yourself apart as a REALTOR®.
Give yourself grace. The industry is challenging and it is easy to feel defeated. Keep a positive attitude, set realistic and obtainable goals, and give yourself a lot of grace as you learn and grow in the field.”
– Ashley Porterfield, RE/MAX Elite
"Do the open houses. Fifty percent of all the houses I’ve listed have sold as a direct result of an open house. Many times the buyers are already working with an agent and that’s great because they’re pre-qualified. Buyers are out there on their own looking every weekend. Don’t count on another agent to do your job and show your listing.
If you don’t have any listings yet, hold open one of your company’s listings in a neighborhood you want to work in. I’m closing on a $600K house now with a first-time buyer who came to an open house I was hosting. They never spoke to me at the open house. They avoided me like I was working the perfume counter offering samples sprays at Dillard's. But, they were watching me interact with others at the open house. They were getting a feel of who I was and whether I was someone they wanted to work with. Potential buyers and sellers are quietly evaluating you at every open house whether you realize it or not. Treat every open house like it’s an interview, not a sales pitch, and treat every person who walks through the front door like family."
– Jessie Kelly, CBRPM
This article originally appeared in the January 2022 issue of Central Arkansas Real Producers.