Top Producers: Meet David and Sandy Stites

Meet David and Sandy Stites, also known as “Team Stites,” of Menifee, CA. The pair have been recognized as America’s Favorite Realtors by the Wall Street Journal in 2017.

David and Sandy Stites, also known as “Team Stites” have been recognized as America’s Favorite Real Estate Agents by the Wall Street Journal in 2017. They made it into the top 1000 agents nationwide and are ranked #114 in California.

Although they have only been in real estate full-time for the past four years, you might never guess by their track record of success. This past year, they had 41 million dollars in sales and sold 142 houses. Their career volume is 107 million dollars.

What is their secret to their success? Their drive, coupled with their self-discipline is foundational to their success. They also embrace a positive attitude.

“Believe in yourself. Never think you are too old to learn new things.”

She and David are always working to improve their skills in real estate. Attending motivational seminars and learning new things helps them become the best real estate agents possible.

“What you think you can do, you can do. What you think you can’t do, you won’t be able to do. Believe in yourself and put forth the effort.”

Being a husband-wife team is another asset. Both David and Sandy understand the work schedule and the commitment that it takes to be a nationally recognized real estate agent. However, they reserve the weekends for their family, including taking their two children on vacations and trips.

David describes themselves as a “hybrid breed of realtors” with new technology, different ways of marketing, and innovative ways to do business. They use data research, including an algorithm, to find and locate where buyers are coming from into their markets.

To David and Sandy, success is knowing that they helped others at the end of the day. Making people’s lives better through their expertise and skills is what it is all about for these two trusted real estate agents. They also like to give back to the community through their church and to help bring awareness and support for those with autism.

This article first appeared in the March issue of Southwest Riverside Real Producers. The article was written by Elizabeth McCabe and the photograph was taken by Daniel Moreno.