Veteran's Day Tribute

Drive a little more, be a little more thankful, and count your blessings every day. A tribute to veterans.
This excerpt appears as the Publisher’s Note in the November 2018 issue of Fort Wayne Real Producers. It was written by Jon Good, Area Director.
Just like the rest of you in this fast-paced industry, every day I find myself driving many of miles. From appointment to appointment, to photo shoots, to scoping out event spots, to just the everyday hustle and bustle, driving is something that is a necessity in my day. Many of you have kids to pick up and take places, errands to run, showings to get to, listing appointments, open houses, and don't forget the closing table. The driving never stops.
Over the past few years, driving has become one of my favorite times of the day. Despite the traffic and the occasional person who we all think "doesn't know how to drive," driving has opened up so much time in my day for me to just take a breath, be thankful, pray, reflect, and simply just refocus on the things that truly matter in life.
The other day as I was driving I started to just think about the freedom that we have in this amazing country. The opportunities that I have to build something in my business, meet so many amazing people, have meaningful conversations, and live without worry of what tomorrow might hold. The freedom I have to live the fullest life that I can here in this great country is something that I'm beyond grateful for. I began to think about how none of this would be possible if it wasn't for our amazing military and all of the Veterans who have sacrificed so much for me to have this freedom. So often I find myself taking for granted the freedom that I have here, and just think it as "normal," which in many places, this kind of freedom is not.
Thank you...
Thank you for all of you Veterans who have served, and now find yourself within some type of role within the Real Estate Industry. Thank you for your sacrifice, and for your families who have also sacrificed so much. As Veterans Day is just around the corner I challenge all of us to just be a little more thankful. It is such a blessing to wake up every morning knowing the freedom we have because of so many individual's sacrifice.
Drive a little more, be a little more thankful, and count your blessings every day.
Thank you Veterans.
Jon Good, Publisher of Fort Wayne Real Producers