Rising Star: Margaret Osborne

“If you don’t challenge yourself, you don’t know yourself.” — Navy SEAL
When our team looks for the next “Rising Star” in real estate, we look for characteristics that equate to what we believe the industry is moving towards. We look for someone who is a hard worker, constantly grinding, innovative, tech-forward business operator, and someone who is not afraid of a challenge or change. When you think about these characteristics, you think of someone who is striving to be the best. The best at every aspect of their craft. I can personally say, after being in the industry for 15 years and interviewing countless agents, this month’s rising star does not only have these traits, but it is a perfect DNA match.

I invite the real estate community to get to know Margaret Osborne. Grab coffee, meet for lunch, and talk shop. You won’t be disappointed. Until then, here are just a few Q&A with this month’s Rising Star.

No. 1 goal in 2023 — Expanding my education to open more opportunities for the future.  

Define success: I don’t really look at success through work. I would define it as achieving goals. I link success to discipline.

How does real estate fit into your personal lifestyle?
I put real estate first. Having a core group of people around you that really pushes and motivates you is key. Real estate is a choice. The job does make it fun to control your goals, work ethic, and hours of devotion.

What was your motivation for starting your real estate career? 
I had a life change and a career change. I decided to sit down to plan my life, and becoming a REALTOR® fit exactly what I wanted. It turns out this is what I have always been destined to do.
What did you do before becoming a REALTOR®? 
I managed a fitness center, sold health supplements, and was a personal trainer.
What is your real estate superpower? 
Being available. I am always “client first,” which goes back to discipline.

If you could change something about the industry, what would it be? 

Professionally, where do you see yourself in five years? 
I would love to double the families that we help.

Where do you see the industry in 10 years? What has changed? 
100% paperless.

What does working with your mom mean to you?
It is a beautiful thing. She devoted so much of her life to our family, investing time and money into each of us, and it is so nice to be able to give back to her and invest my time and energy back into her and our business.
Favorite food? 
All of it. Haha. I love to try different cultural foods.

Besides real estate, what do you love?
I love fitness. I like to read. Anything outdoor. Socialize. I have a dog who is like my child, Brett.
All-time favorite books and/or movies? 
I read a lot of business books. I am reading "Living With A SEAL," which is incredible.
Describe your perfect vacation.
No cell phone service. Completely unplugged. On a day on a beach, no one can get ahold of you, by myself, one with nature, just pure peace.
Bucket list: The one place you would love to visit?
I can't nail it down to one place, but my goal is to visit one country a year.
Bucket List: The one thing you want to accomplish
At some point, I want to take the "perfect vacation" I just described.
It's absolutely amazing to be able to work with my daughter, Margaret. When she wanted to talk to me about becoming a REALTOR®, I thought about trying to talk her out of it because it's not your "regular" job. She has watched me do this almost her entire life, so I guess she already knew that. She has always been sharp, competitive, and willing to try new things. Nothing seems to scare her. I've loved watching her grow up and become the beautiful woman she has become. Now being able to watch her bloom as an agent, I guess it's the icing on the cake. She is such a good listener and really pays attention to what the buyer's and seller’s goals are, then works hard to put together a plan that helps achieve that.

Where I'm "old school," she is more innovative and willing to try new things, like social media, for example. She is teaching me new ways to market homes. I think the "old" and the "new" are a good mix. I'm looking forward to the future of our "Real Estate Dream Team."