Justine Navarre

Name: Justine Navarre
Age: 28
Brokerage name: Dwellings Michigan
Are you an independent agent or do you have a team?: independent
What year did you get licensed?: 2019

What are you proud of in your career?
I take immense pride in my perseverance. The real estate industry demands resilience, and I’ve refused to yield to its challenges. Each day, I commit myself to continuous improvement — a journey that I cherish deeply, especially considering my humble beginnings. It’s this unwavering dedication that I hold as a source of great pride in my career.

What is important to you right now?
At this moment, my family takes precedence above all else. Their steady support has been a cornerstone of my journey, serving as my greatest source of encouragement. I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have such a strong support system by my side.

Tell us one thing on your vision board or bucket list!
One ambitious goal I have on my vision board is to travel more! Specifically, I envision acquiring a bus that I can convert into a home on wheels, to embark on a trip throughout the entirety of the USA and potentially explore international destinations as well. This adventure embodies my desire for exploration and discovery, and for embracing diverse cultures.

What are you most thankful for?
I’m most thankful for the incredible support system I have. I’m also deeply appreciative of the clients who’ve placed their trust in me, despite my relatively young age in the industry. And, of course, my broker Shannon Hall and the support staff at Dwellings deserve a special mention for their guidance and support throughout my career.

Tell us one thing you can’t live without (family & phones don’t count)!
Can I say three things? My Bible! Dogs! And my Stanley cup.

Who do you admire and why?
I have immense admiration for my parents. Their unwavering resilience has always left an impact on me. Despite facing various challenges, they consistently prioritized providing for our family, ensuring that we had everything we needed. Their steadfast commitment to our well-being, regardless of the circumstances, serves as a constant source of inspiration for me.

What is your superpower?
Patience. In both personal and professional aspects of my life, I’ve found that maintaining a calm and composed demeanor, even in the face of adversity, allows me to approach challenges with clarity and resolve. Patience has been my guiding force, enabling me to navigate complexities with grace and perseverance.

When you were younger (say, 12-15 years old), what did you dream of becoming?
When I was younger, particularly between the ages of 12 to 15, my dream was to become a teacher. The idea of shaping young minds and imparting knowledge always held a special appeal to me. Even though my aspirations may have evolved since then, the desire to make a positive impact on others has remained a constant driving force in my life.